在网页版的gmail里打开小齿轮状的设置键, 然后在inbox type里找到 unread first之后就会显示未读邮件。 我刚试了下,有用的。
在左上角的下拉菜单中选择all,然后在列表顶部会出现一行类似“All50conversations on this page are ...
Step 2.Choose an inbox type from ‘Default’ to ‘Unread First’ or ‘Important First’ as per your priority. Priority Inbox is a combination of various aspects like Unread or Starred to filter out the most important messages on the top of the screen for your first perusal. Setup Gmail Fi...
In the inbox, you can tap on an email to reply or forward it. Above the email, you can choose to archive, delete, or mark it as unread. There are three dots in the top-left corner that give you more options. If you want to go back to the inbox, there's an arrow for that. ...
g then i: Go to the Gmail “Inbox”. g then a: Go to the “All mail” section. g then t: Go to the Gmail “Sent Mail”. r: Reply to whoever sent you the message. a: Reply to all senders. Gmail Finding Archived, Deleted, Unread Emails Messages ...
email=gmail.inbox.find(:unread).firstattachment=email.attachments[0]File.write(File.join(folder_path,attachment.filename),attachment.body.decoded) Add a label to a message: email.label("Faxes") Example above will raise error when you don't have theFaxeslabel. You can avoid this using: ...
Unread(i.e. versus read)—get yourself to Inbox Zero! Sender(i.e. person or company)—great for finding (or deleting) all emails by a specific person or organization, even when multiple email addresses are used. Attachment(i.e. size or type of attachment)—perfect for deleting the bigges...
The orchestrator first read the email address before reading cookies to authenticate Gmail. • It establishes a connection to GMAIL's HTML view at the URL https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=html%26zy=g utilizing the above-mentioned cookies. • Extract the list of emails from the inbox HTM...
This opens the Vmail/Vim interface and shows you the last 100 messages in your Gmail inbox. You can have Vmail show messages from any other mailbox (a.k.a. label) on startup by passing in the mailbox name as an argument: vmail starred You can also pass in search parameters after...