所以看了这么多回答,这个archive图标是没法删除的意思吗?标签和星标功能已经能处理好分类和to do功能了。
It's the path to Inbox Zero: make a decision about every email in your inbox, move it to a safe place to be tracked as a task, calendar event or Read Later, then archive it out of your inbox. Why clear your inbox? Because it clears your mind. It removes all anxiety that you've...
## Account Settings # Default inbox set spoolfile = "+example.com/INBOX" # Mailboxes to show in the sidebar. mailboxes +INBOX \ +sent \ +drafts # Other special folder set postponed = "+example.com/drafts" # navigation macro index gi "<change-folder>=example.com/INBOX<enter>" "Go t...
Verb1.google- search the internet (for information) using the Google search engine; "He googled the woman he had met at the party"; "My children are googling all day" computer science,computing- the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes ...
in Gmail, simply open the message and click the archive button (the first in the list of icons at the top of the message). The email message is now instantly moved from your inbox into the label called “All Mail,” where it will stay until you move it manually back to your Inbox....
调整收件箱优先设置的方法:右上角的小齿轮 > Settings > Inbox 如图: 3 开启Personal Level Indicator Personal level indicator也是为邮件标记重要性的一种靠谱方法。它可以用小图标直观地显示出 一封邮件是指定发送给你,还是你被群发了。如图: 小黄标签里会出现这三种情况 ...
Gmail 把存档按钮(Archive)放在最明显的位置,也就是这个道理。 存档之后的邮件不会出现在Inbox中(相当于其他邮箱的移出收件箱),可以在标签中看 到,没有应用标签的也可以通过搜索或者在#All中找到。 自动存档 Email本身就有非即时性。很多邮件并不需要马上查 看,比如说Twitter的Follow信息,来自论坛的帖子回复通知,...
Important: If you restore all emails deleted from All Mail to Inbox within 30 days, all your emails will be stored in Inbox, and only a few emails will be archived in All Mail. You have to archive emails in the Inbox folder by choosing them and choosing Archive, all the emails in Inb...
Select “Forward a copy of incoming mail”, enter the email address, and select what should happen to the original emails: Keep Gmail’s copy in the inbox (default) Mark Gmail’s copy as read Archive Gmail’s copy Delete Gmail’s copy ...