Gmail 是一款直观、高效、实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供15GB存储空间,垃圾邮件更少,而且支持移动访问。 一个帐户,畅享 Google所有服务! 登录即可继续使用 Gmail
Yes. You can change the name that’s linked to your Google email address. However, changing the name on the account does not mean that you’ll get a new username or email address. You’re more or less stuck with whatever email address you choose when you create your Google account, so...
首先,您需要访问Gmail的官方网站。您可以通过在浏览器中输入“”来直接访问。页面加载后,您将看到登录界面。如果您还没有账户,您需要点击“创建账户”(Create account)按钮。 2. 选择账户类型 2. Choose Account Type 在点击“创建账户”后,系统会提示您选择账户类型。通常有两个选项:个人使用(For m...
Create a Gmail account to take advantage of the Gmail services. Gmail is one of the best free email service provided by Google. When you sign up for Gmail, you don’t need to register separately for other Google services. One single Google account is all you need. You need to register ...
步骤2)在Chrome浏览器打开Gmail官方网址,点击Create an account创建账户。 填入姓名和出生日期、性别等基本信息 步骤3)创建Gmail地址,Gmail邮箱就是你要创建的谷歌账号。 Gmail用户名规则是数字和英文组合,可以是六位以上纯字母,前提是不能跟别人的重复。如果提示重复了,则需要更改用户名。
Enter your Gmail/Google account email or phone number and password to easily sign in to Gmail. Then you can use Gmail to create, send, and receive emails. Tip: If the information of another Gmail account is filled in, you can clickUse another accountto continue. To remove an existing acc...
Gmail sign up is completely free: anyone can get an "" or "" email address (see the difference between Gmail and Google Mail). This free email tutorial explains how to create a Gmail account in just a few minutes. If you already have a Gmail a...
Learn how to set up a Gmail account on desktop and mobile, plus how to create a Gmail account for an existing email address in this step-by-step guide.
To create a Gmail account for others, click the “Use another account” link. This will take you to the next screen, where Google will prompt you to enter your email or phone to sign in to an existing Gmail account. You should not do this. Rather click the "Create account" link.Now...
添加账号:如果你已有谷歌账号,可直接登录;若无,则点击“添加其他电子邮件地址 (Add another email address)”。 选择Google 服务:在新出现的页面中选择“Google”。 创建新账号:点击“创建账号 (Create account)”,根据个人需求选择“为我自己创建 (For myself)”或“用于管理我的业务 (To manage my business)”...