smtpServer =''server= smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtpServer) 由于可能出现异常错误,所以可以用try...except来处理下,如: importsmtplib, sys smtpServer=''try: server= smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtpServer)#返回SMTP类,所以server是SMTP类的实例exceptConnectionRefusedError:print('Server connecting...
gmail的smtp采用了ssl连接: Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS: (use ...
當CONNECTION_TYPE_STARTTLS 的時候會愈到這個問題,程式執行到r = mailstorage_connect(storage);這邊會卡住,上面的 ncku.c 這個範例執行的時候這行很快就執行過去了,但是 gmail.c 這個卻一直卡住不會往下執行。原因完全不明。 找到原因:缺乏 openssl dev 套件 我跟libetpan 的作者通信共十一封,找出原因是因為我沒...
phpversion(); $username = ''; $password = 'your_password'; // Create a secure SSL connection to Gmail $smtp_url = "ssl://"; $smtp_port = "465"; // Create a new connection $connection = fsockopen($smtp_url, $smtp_port, $errno, $errs...
self.client = IMAPClient(self.IMAP_SERVER, use_uid=True, ssl=True) self._login()# Can use full gmail queries like 'has:attachment in:unread'messages = self.client.gmail_search(query) self.messages_for_this_session.append(messages)# We recreate a whole connection after querying gmail because...
This provides a secure connection for data in motion. Here is an example of the URL for signing on to Gmail at The HTTPS protocol is used for signing in to the service, which provides...
.Item("") = True .Item("") = 60 .Item("") = "" ...
I am trying to figure out why my Gmail PHPMailer sends are soooo slow (more than a minute for a tiny email). I tried the following: telnet smtp.gma…
.Item("") = True .Item("") = 1 .Item("") = "" 'note: using gmail but have our company ...