一直下一步,都是默认的【SMTP – gmail.com:587】【OAuth 2.0 (requires Client ID and Client Secret)】这两项就可以,然后会得到一个专用的redirect URl,记录下来。 下面开始Gmail API配置 Google API Console https://console.cloud.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=gmail 接下来打开上面的链接。 开通GMAIL ...
您的Gmail API客户端ID 3. 将Gmail应用客户端ID添加到Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log 要完成设置,请返回WordPress仪表盘中的Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log设置,并粘贴上一步中的Client ID和Client secret。然后,确保保存您的更改: 将Gmail API客户端ID添加到WordPress 然后,插件应提示您向Grant permission with Google: ...
Once you create the Google OAuth client application, you can use it while creating a Gmail connection.Select Bring your own application. Specify the Client ID and Client secret values from your application.Click on Sign in to sign into your Gmail account. This will prompt you to sign in to...
Gmail 是一款直观、高效且实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供 15 GB 存储空间,具备出色的垃圾邮件过滤功能,而且支持移动访问。
这个脚本使用了Google的Gmail API,首先需要在Google Cloud Platform创建一个项目并获取客户端ID和密钥。在脚本中的CLIENT_ID和CLIENT_SECRET变量中填入对应的值。 脚本中的SCOPES变量定义了授权的范围,这里使用了Gmail的只读权限。 authorize()函数用于进行用户授权,生成访问令牌并保存到token.json文件中,以便下次使用。
3. 将Gmail应用客户端ID添加到Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log 要完成设置,请返回WordPress仪表盘中的Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log设置,并粘贴上一步中的Client ID和Client secret。然后,确保保存您的更改: 将Gmail API客户端ID添加到WordPress 然后,插件应提示您向Grant permission with Google: ...
Once you create the Google OAuth client application, you can use it while creating a Gmail connection.Select Bring your own application. Specify the Client ID and Client secret values from your application.Click on Sign in to sign into your Gmail account. This will prompt you to sign in to...
Once you create the Google OAuth client application, you can use it while creating a Gmail connection.Select Bring your own application. Specify the Client ID and Client secret values from your application.Click on Sign in to sign into your Gmail account. This will prompt you to sign in to...
You will see a pop-up window with theClient SecretandClient ID; copythat and Paste Client ID and Client Secret in the Post SMTP. Return to the tab where the Post SMTP is open andpastetheClient IDandClient Secretvalues into thePost SMTPwizard’s second step. ...
Click Create to display the client ID and client secret for your Fuse Online environment. To the right of the client ID field, click to copy the client ID to your clipboard. Return to the Fuse Online Settings page, expand the Gmail entry, and in the Gma...