您可以在Gmail和Outlook中设置一个简单的规则,该规则会自动将某些电子邮件地址抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)到所有您编写的电子邮件中。在本文中,我们将详细解释如何在Outlook和Gmail中自动将特定电子邮件地址抄送和密送。在Gmail中自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)所有电子邮件 Gmail没有内置的自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)邮件...
ccAddresses = • bccAddresses = • replyToAddresses = • dateSentMs = 1276900125000 • dateReceivedMs = 1276900125971 • subject = viaForensics training packet • snippet = Hello, Per our conversation with sandy, we need 11 packets by 10am monday. Th… • listInfo = • personal...
Automatically BCC or CC your emails to any email address you choose. You can choose to BCC or CC all your emails. Or you can set rules to govern which emails are included. Set Rules Based on Recipient Email or Domain In most cases, you don’t need to BCC or CC every email you send...
★ 简单的gmail bcc和cc扩展,易于使用。分机与gmail邮箱交互流程如下: 1)安装插件后,刷新gmail邮箱; 2)点击插件配置页面的快捷按钮; 3)根据需要添加自动抄送和密件抄送配置信息: 4)点击撰写按钮开始撰写电子邮件; 5)插件会根据当前邮件发件人自动设置抄送和密送邮箱;而已。 gmail 密件抄送和抄送扩展功能:★ 自由...
You can CC or BCC someone, but…don't. If you CC or BCC someone, they'll get the email as many times as there are contacts on the list. So unless you want your business partner to get the same email 1,500 times, I'd suggest not using the CC or BCC field. Maybe don't use ...
2) 自动显示CC和BCC字段3)自动显示主题行4) 在弹出窗口显示发送和存档按钮的选项在Gmail 中保存多次点击并简化您的工作流程。 评分 4.5星(共5星),共37位用户参与评分 使用人数 7,000+ 位用户 版本 23.0.11 大小 525KB 分类 生产工具 提供方 Platform Software 支持语言 英语 更新时间 2021-12-08...
ccoptionalList of recipients email addresses to include on cc linestringemail bccoptionalList of recipients email addresses to include on bcc linestringemail reply_tooptionalAddress that should recieve replies to the sent emailstringemail headersoptionalSerialized json dictionary. Additional email headers ...
Thefrom:field will be pre-filled from your.vmailrcconfiguration. You're responsible for filling in theto:and thesubject:fields. You can add acc:andbcc:field if you want. When you fill in the recipient addresses, you can use Vim autocompletion if you generated avmail-contacts.txtfile. Sta...
publicvoidSend(stringfrom,stringto,stringsubject,stringbody,string[] cc,string[] bcc) { //Create mail message MailMessage message=newMailMessage(from, to, subject, body); message.BodyEncoding=Encoding.GetEncoding(936); if(cc!=null&&cc.Length>0) ...
var Jc=[0,1,2,3,5];var wm=["msg","msgbody","had_wbr","show","ref_msgid","draft_msgid","fwd_msgid","orig_fields","signature_added","target_url","inc_orig_attach"];var sa=["to","cc","bcc","subject","fwd_attach","msgbody","ishtml"];var Vu=[null,null,5,5,0,0]...