您可以在Gmail和Outlook中设置一个简单的规则,该规则会自动将某些电子邮件地址抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)到所有您编写的电子邮件中。在本文中,我们将详细解释如何在Outlook和Gmail中自动将特定电子邮件地址抄送和密送。在Gmail中自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)所有电子邮件 Gmail没有内置的自动抄送(CC)和密送(BCC)邮件...
cc:[email/name]bcc:[email/name] 发件人和收件人搜索不适用于 CC(抄送)或 BCC(加密抄送)字段。要搜索这些区域,有单独的搜索命令。使用 cc: 或 bcc: 运算符查看在这些特定字段中发送的电子邮件列表。 例子: cc:Johnbcc:john@examplewebsite.com 4. 从特定邮件列表中查找邮件 如何从特定邮件列表获取邮件 list...
Before:(date)– 搜索在特定日期之前发送的电子邮件 Bcc:(name)– 搜索发送的盲目复制特定人的电子邮件 CC:(name)– 搜索发送的邮件,该邮件复制了特定名称 Category:(category name)– 在类别中搜索电子邮件 Filename:(name of file) or (type of file)——搜索特定文件或文件附件类型 In:(folder) or (label...
Learn More Unlimited "From" Emails You can set each "From" Email matching with multiple BCC & CC emails. Then you can select "From" email when composing to get the equivalent BCC & CC Emails Learn More Bonus Features Save more time with auto popout feature and auto enlarging window for ...
Automatically BCC or CC your emails to any email address you choose. You can choose to BCC or CC all your emails. Or you can set rules to govern which emails are included. Set Rules Based on Recipient Email or Domain In most cases, you don’t need to BCC or CC every email you send...
Learning how to CC in Gmail is essential for collaborative work in email. Here's how to effectively use CC and BCC inside Gmail.
Learn how to send bulk emails with Gmail efficiently. Follow these steps to send mass emails at once while maintaining deliverability.
3. Composing and Sending an Email Composing an email in Gmail means clicking on the big, redComposebutton to bring up your new message. From here you fill in theTo, CC/BCCandSubjectfields, followed by your email content. When typing your email, your spelling and grammar mistakes are highli...
However, when in Outlook - I often times send emails or forward emails and I "CC" or "BCC" myself on the email for record keeping. When I "CC" or "BCC" myself, or even just send my self an email from and to my Gmail account, the body shows up BLANK in Outl...
ccAddresses = • bccAddresses = • replyToAddresses = • dateSentMs = 1276900125000 • dateReceivedMs = 1276900125971 • subject = viaForensics training packet • snippet = Hello, Per our conversation with sandy, we need 11 packets by 10am monday. Th… • listInfo = • personal...