Gratis In-App-Käufe möglich Screenshots iPhone iPad Beschreibung 适用于 iPhone 或 iPad 的官方 Gmail 应用汇集了 Gmail 的各项优质功能,包括可靠的安全性、实时通知、多账号支持以及在您的所有邮件中搜索内容的功能。 通过Gmail 应用,您可以: • 在 iOS 设备上将 Gmail 设为默认电子邮件应用 • 让系统...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 适用于 iPhone 或 iPad 的官方 Gmail 应用汇集了 Gmail 的各项优质功能,包括可靠的安全性、实时通知、多账号支持以及在您的所有邮件中搜索内容的功能。 通过Gmail 应用,您可以: • 在 iOS 设备上将 Gmail 设为默认电子邮件应用 ...
You can certainly use the built-inApple Mailapp on your Mac for Gmail. But maybe you’re not a fan of Apple’s Mail app or want other features. And you can accessGmailin a web browser. But this isn’t always convenient for a quick inbox check. With apps that were developed for use...
首先要有一个美国的Apple ID 下载谷歌的软件 然后根据下面的教程注册谷歌账号 准备工作: 下载 chrome浏...
I quickly dashed through the usual suspects: Apple’s own Mail app, Mailbox, CloudMagic, Boxer, Tipbit, Hop, and a few others that didn’t last long enough for me to remember their names. What I quickly discovered was that nobody wants to just give me an email client for my phone: ...
Gmail releases app for Apple devices, pulls it back two hours later after it is widely pannedJeremy C Owens
Gmail is available as a free download on the App Store [Direct Link] for iPhone and iPad. The app is now at version 5.0.3. Tag:Gmail Popular Stories Apple Announces iPhone 16e With A18 Chip and Apple Intelligence, Pricing Starts at $599 ...
Mailplane是一个原生的OS X应用程序,自然地集成到OS X.Apple Mail就像键盘快捷键一样,充当默认的Mail Client,来自Print Dialog的Mail PDF,OS X Services等等。 只需点击一下,即可在帐户基础上启用优秀的Gmail插件。 隐藏广告或应用自定义样式表。 调整图像大小,压缩目录或捕获屏幕并将其附加到您的消息。无需启动另...
Legal Note: App for Gmail is a 3rd party app and is not affiliated with Google what so ever. Gmail and its logo is trademarks of Google Inc. App 隐私 开发者Joacim Ståhl尚未向 Apple 提供其隐私惯例和数据处理相关的详细信息。
[quote name="Applelunatic" url="/t/157846/new-inbox-comes-to-googles-official-gmail-app-for-iphone-ipad#post_2338270"]He's making fun of Larry Page who recently said: “At least in my case I feel I should have done it sooner and I’m not sure that answer isn’t true for ...