全員へ返信 ReplyAll boolean すべての受信者に返信する場合は True。 (既定 : False) 重要度 Importance string 重要性を選択してください。 (既定 : 標準) 件名 Name True string 添付ファイルのタイトル。 内容 ContentBytes True byte 添付ファイルの本文。 コンテンツ タイプ ContentTyp...
2件のコメント返信を残す Mrteesurez This awesome, I am surprised to see this, I used to share password with others in the team to access the mail box, now you have highlighted the risk involved and gave out the alternative way, this is a helpful guide to me, thanks for sharing ...
返信 管理者 John If you’ve configured the MX records through Gsuite and added them to your webhosts DNS editor, do you also need to then configure Gsuite through a plugin such as WP Mail SMTP on your actual website? 返信 WPBeginner Support If you wanted to send ...
返信 管理者 John If you’ve configured the MX records through Gsuite and added them to your webhosts DNS editor, do you also need to then configure Gsuite through a plugin such as WP Mail SMTP on your actual website? 返信 WPBeginner Support If you wanted to send your mail on yo...