GM ATF Refill Adapter Founded in 1971,Mityvac®manufactures automotive diagnostic, service, and repair tools used primarily for brake and clutch bleeding application and cooling system evacuation or refill application. It also offers an expansive line of hand vacuum/pressure pumps, fuel injection clean...
Robertshaw Invensys INT-43 10-546 Add-A-Wire Thermostat Wiring Adapter ROBERSHAW-INVENSYS VS 4010-001 SAFETY VALVE-COMMERCIAL*FMC*NLA/Obsolete Open Box INVENSYS 3PSI-15PSI GAUGE 250-3074 OLD INVENSYS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 0-6IN H2O 863DPM2D1NKMP FOXBORO GG LISTING Robertshaw Invensys 8625 Program...
First steps before any service can be performed.1. Add TerraDiesel ™ Fuel Injector Cleaner (201255) to the vehicle’s fuel tank.2. Remove the plastic engine cover.3. If engine is hot, the EGR cooler must be cooled – see note in step 8. GM Duramax 6.6 Liter (LML) 2011- 2016...
adaptercase衔接器壳-none- adapterCase接头箱-none- additive添加剂ADDT adhesive粘合胶ADNES adhesivemagnet吸附磁铁-none- adhesivesealingcompound粘性密封剂-none- adhesivertess粘度-none- adjacent相邻的-none- adjustADJ adjustablepanthrottle可调节部分节气门APT ...
SCHUNK爪手、夹具S19-Adapter9935818 *ELCIS0Q80EXS6-4096-8245-A6-CV1-R-05 TURCK光电传感器线缆RKC4.4T-5/直列式5米线 BUCHERQX83-160/61-160/61-160R09 *BENDERRCMA420-D-2artnumber:B94043002 LEINE&LINDE-0959RSI 503 Part No. 594581-01 ...
Since GM injected powerplants are usually more efficient engines, fuel volume would probably not exceed that of the 2.5 & 4.0L, and would certainly not exceed the OEM pump’s volume capacity. Some engines will require more pressure and will therefore need a new pump, either in-tank or ...
PRESSURE REDUCING STATION\型号:FR12410006ALLT2\制造厂或品牌:SITECNA\设备名称:离心式压缩机\设备型号:RB28-4 KFD2-STC4-1.2O NZMC1-A100 GP2600-TC11 TPC1061T1 MT510TV4WV 352242 DISJ. 2P S202 C40 is - 10KA (2Modules) Circ. Break. S202 2P 40A CURVE C Screw connection ...
The installation of an aftermarket regulator to bring it down to the PSI your fuel-injected engine requires is easy to install. If you are running a carbureted engine, regulating down from 90 psi to ~4 psi is too dramatic, and the installation of a low pressure electric fuel pump (in-...
(Volumeter) 变送器 GI333.A70C317 AEG MCE 409S 3400 DAuramarine Ltd SEAL KIT NO:9160 45047 FOR PUMP ANDFILTER UNIT TYPEFUEL FILTER FF2535 Device TagNB35-2CEP-X-7003 FUEL FILTER FF2535SERIAL NO 6029Fabrication date08/2004MAX operating pressure 1MapMAX operating temperature 150棻BUREAU VERITAS...