succession of crops作物持续栽培法 summer food crops夏收粮食作物 相似单词 cropsn. 农作物 GMabbr. 1. (= George Medal)(英国)乔治勋章 2. (= General Motor) 通用汽车 gmn. 公克 Gm.【医】 克 gm.【缩写】 1.=gram(s) 2.=gramme(s)
农业和食物链中的转基因作物和食品生物技术(Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain)是一本由Landes Bioscience出版的一本Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology学术刊物,主要报道Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选...
名词 公克 英语解释 a metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram 相似短语 GM food转基因食品 Gm meter跨导计 Gm factor免疫球蛋白G异型因子 variable gm tube【电】 变跨导管 GM cropsGenetically modified crops 转基因作物 vacuum tube Gm meter电子管跨导计 ...
GM Crops & Food 旨在发表高质量的研究论文、综述和评论,涉及农业中的转基因作物、转基因食品以及社会经济问题、商业化、贸易和社会问题。该刊特别针对科学家与决策者之间具有重要意义的交流,为解决转基因作物开发、测试和应用中的基础问题的研究论文以及所有与转基因作物相关的问题提供一个国际互动平台。GM Crops & ...
期刊简称GM CROPS FOOD 参考译名《转基因作物与食品:农业生物技术与食物链》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向工程技术-BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 生物工程与应用微生物;PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学 GM Crops & Food-Biotechnology in Agr...
《Gm Crops & Food-biotechnology In Agriculture And The Food Chain》是一本专注于植物科学、生物工程与应用微生物领域的sci期刊,创刊于2012年,由TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS出版商出版,出版周期4 issues/year。,ISSN:2164-5698,出版国家/地区:UNITED STATES。
January 2003 Briefing Genetically modified crops and food Genetically modified crops and food Introduction The debate about the safety and need for genetically modified (GM) crops and foods has raged since the mid ‘90s. A lot of time and money has been spent by biotechnology companies and ...
GM food could therefore be dangerous to eat. 20 There is also a question as to whether GM plants are safe for the environment Since GM crops are planted outside, they are part of the food chain-insects and other animals eat them or use their products, and these insects and animals will...
GM Crops & Food - Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain aims to publish high quality research papers, reviews, and commentaries on a wide range of topics involving genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture and genetically modified food. The journal provides a platform for research ...