Boom Efekt® WSC 360 g/L (30.8 ± 3.1%) 480 g/L (41.5%) IPA salt phosphate ester amine salt (5–15%) >322 >1000 31.12.2021. Fozat 480® WSC 360 g/L (30.4%) 480 g/L (41%) IPA salt not declared 21.6 113.9 15.07.2020. Gladiator 480 SL® WSC 360 g/L (30.8%) 480...
Previously, GBHs (Roundup) along with the active ingredient glyphosate (IPA—isopropylamine salt—hereafter referred to as ‘glyphosate’) were claimed to be ‘practically non-toxic’ to animals and humans [21] and as having little or no eco-toxicological effects on the receiving environment [22...