15, 2022. The assessment is a starting point for further discussion among EU members and a peer-review process managed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). EFSA and ECHA plan to organize parallel public meetings in September to discuss the ...
Nick von Westenholz, CEO of the Crop Protection Association commented, “We are pleased to see that EFSA concurs with the numerous health assessments conducted by public authorities on glyphosate over the past 40 years which have all concluded that, when used correctly, it poses no meaningful ri...
concluded in 2015, with EFSA giving its decision that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans” (EFSA, 2015). Yet, in the same year, IARC had classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A), based on limited evidence in humans, but sufficient...
concluded in 2015, with EFSA giving its decision that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans” (EFSA, 2015). Yet, in the same year, IARC had classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A), based on limited evidence in humans, but sufficient...
“‘The EFSA GMO Panel is of the opinion that potential adverse environmental effects of the cultivation of soybean 40-3-2 are associated with the use of the complementary glyphosate-based herbicide regimes. These potential adverse environmental effects could, under certain conditions, comprise: (1)...
欧盟委员会在活性物质当前批准到期之前(2023年12月15日)必须作出决定。虽然在上诉委员会投票时未能达成多数同意延长草甘膦的10年有效期,但是基于EFSA的评估,没有确定可能妨碍草甘膦延长批准的重大关注方面。 二、委员会决定的依据 委员会的决定基于EFSA和欧洲化学品局(ECHA)以及各成员国进行的全面安全评估。这项科学...
The court ruling found that public interest in the possible effect of glyphosate on health and the environment is more important than protecting confidential business information and that EFSA was wrong to refuse access to the studies. A new study linking glyphosate use to an increased risk of ...
Public Health and Food Safety- happily better known by its abbreviation ENVI - will take part in an Exchange of Views (EoV) about glyphosate with the EU Commission, the WHO (World Health Organisation)International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC) and theEuropean Food Safety Authority(EFSA)....
presented evidence in support of lowering glyphosate MRL to a level 17 times lower than the EPA’s and five times lower than EFSA’s current levels [3,6]. EFSA considers current glyphosate exposure levels via feed generally safe for livestock [24], and Sørensen et al. [71] note that ...
population, the intake of glyphosate was calculated by assuming the fol- lowing: about 20% of the ingested glyphosate is absorbed, glyphosate absorption occurs rapidly, the absorbed glypho- sate is poorly metabolized and rapidly eliminated via urine, showing no potential for bioaccumulation (EFSA ...