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The process, with its routing of electrons from the GAPDH-generated NADH to the mitochondrial GPO, the observed apparent particle-bound nature of glycolytic enzymes and formation of glycerol in an organism without detectable glycerol-3-phosphatase was explained by the finding that the major part of...
This effect could be explained by the fact that kainate, in contrast to AMPA, leads to only a partial desensitization of AMPA/kainate receptors. One particularity of AMPA/kainate receptors is that they contain allosteric sites allowing certain agents to modulate their degree of desensitization/...
In this review we describe evidence indicating that the alterations in glucose metabolism in hypertrophied hearts cannot be explained simply by changes in PDC expression or control. Additional mechanisms that may lead to an altered balance of pyruvate metabolism in cardiac hypertrophy are discussed, ...
required for the health of long-range axons of glutamatergic neurons; (2) NMNAT2 is essential for fast axonal transport; (3) NMNAT2 ensures the proper NAD+/NADH redox potential for glycolysis on vesicular cargos; and (4) NAD supplementation rescues the axonal phenotypes caused by NMNAT2 loss...
The results show for the first time that the feasibility of glycolysis can be explained by thermodynamics only if (1) correct standard data are used and if (2) the conditions in the cell at non-equilibrium states are accounted for in the analyses. The results here will help to determine ...
Changes inori/terratio may result from changes in initiation and/or elongation. To determine which replication step is primarily defective in PykA mutants, cells replicating the chromosome from a plasmid replicon rather than from the cellular DnaA/oriCinitiation complex were used. As argued previously...
This can in part be explained by failure to eradicate a subset of cells within the tumour that are then capable of sustaining tumour growth. These cells share a number of features with stem cells and have therefore been called cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs have been isolated from a ...
In this review we describe evidence indicating that the alterations in glucose metabolism in hypertrophied hearts cannot be explained simply by changes in PDC expression or control. Additional mechanisms that may lead to an altered balance of pyruvate metabolism in cardiac hypertrophy are discussed, ...
energysubstratesforanabolismandenergyproduction.Thisapparentconflictualpictureisexplainedby differencesintumorsize,hypoxia,andthesequenceofoncogenesactivated.Theroleofp53,C-MYC,OctandRAS onthecontrolofmitochondrialrespirationandglutamineutilizationhasbeenexplainedrecentlyonartificial ...