Comparison of efficacy and safety of tretinoin 0.05% and glycolic acid peeling 70% in axillary and neck lesions of acanthosis nigricans: A single‐blinded, randomized trialGLYCOLIC acidACANTHOSIS nigricansCHEMICAL peelTRETINOINPATIENT satisfactionNECK...
Proper patient selection, peel timing, and neutralization on-time will ensure good results, with no side effects. Depth of the glycolic acid peel depends on the concentration of the acid used, the number of coats applied, and the time for which it is applied. Hence, it can be used as a...
safety of 1% tretinoin peel in the treatment of melasma in dark-skinned Asian population, we conducted a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of this potentially new peeling agent versus a standard peeling agent, 70% glycolic acid, in t...
This study was done to compare the effect and side effects of Tritenoin peeling with Glycolic acid 70%. Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind clinical trial in 63 women with bilateral melasma. One percent Tretinoin peel was applied on one-half of the face, whereas 70% glycolic...
safety of 1% tretinoin peel in the treatment of melasma in dark-skinned Asian population, we conducted a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of this potentially new peeling agent versus a standard peeling agent, 70% glycolic acid, in the treatment of melasma ...
Safety and efficacy of glycolic acid facial peel in Indian women with melasma. Int J Dermatol. 2001;40(5):354–7 (Epub 2001/09/14).Javaheri SM,Handa S,Kaur I,et al.Safety and efficacy of glycolicacid facial peel in Indian women with melasma[J].Int J Dermatol,2001,40:354-357....
A combination of 5-fluorouracil and glycolic acid. Dermatol Surg. 1998;24(9):973–8.Marrero GM, Katz BE.The newfluor-hydroxy pulse peel. A combina- tion of 5-fluorouracil and glycolic acid. Dermatol Surg. 1998; 24(9): 973-8.