Glycogenolysis The process of liberating glucose from glycogen is known as glycogenolysis. This process is essentially the opposite of glycogenesis with two exceptions: (1) there is no UDP-glucose step, and (2) a different enzyme, glycogen phosphorylase, is involved. Glucose-1-phosphate is cleav...
必应词典为您提供Glycogenesis-and-Glycogenolysis的释义,网络释义: 糖原合成与分解;糖原的合成与分解;糖原的合成和分解;
Regulation of glycogenesis and glycogenolysis in contracting skeletal muscleGrażyna Lutosławska, Marzena Malara
gly·co·gen·e·sis ˌglī-kə-ˈjen-ə-səs plural glycogeneses -ˌsēz : the synthesis of glycogen from glucose that occurs chiefly in the liver and skeletal muscle compare glycogenolysis glycogenetic -jə-ˈnet-ik adjective Love...
Contrarily, when fasting or low blood sugar, glucagon counteracts the actions of insulin and controls the metabolism of glycogen. Although the pancreas also secretes it, it works against insulin. Glucagon suppresses gluconeogenesis while stimulating glycogenolysis, the process by which glycogen is broken...
Fig. 11. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. Regulation of blood glucose is in close association with the biochemical regulation of glycogen pathways. G6P and F6P (products of glycolysis) are the linkers of glycolysis and glycogen pathways. The figure and abbreviations are explained in the text and...
Saito . (1990) Effect of prostaglandins on glycogenesis and glycogenolysis in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Prostaglandins 39 , 525-540 Online publication date: 1-May-1990. /Okumura, T., and K. Saito. Effect of prostaglandins on glycogen- esis and glycogenolysis in primary culture of ...
2.glycogenesis- the conversion of glucose to glycogen when the glucose in the blood exceeds the demand changeover,conversion,transition- an event that results in a transformation Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The formation of glucose from glycogen is: a. glcogenesis. b. glycogenolysis. c. glycolysis. d. glyconeogenesis. A resting or "low-intensity" muscle cell will replenish most of its ATP by: a. anaerobic respiration using fatty ...