An MRI was ordered, which revealed edema in the left gluteus medius and minimus insertion with minimal associated bone marrow edema in the left greater trochanter. We then prescribed land-based and pool therapy, cold packs to the gluteus muscles and use of a cane for protective ambulation. She...
Most of the critical neurovascular structures are located in the gluteus medius-minimus compartment. Precise knowledge of these structures helps prevent operative injury and improve understanding of this rare compartment syndrome. The superior gluteal artery, vein, and nerve exit from above the piriformis...
1Trendelenburg Gait and Sign (Abnormal Gluteus Medius and Minimus Gait) ADefinition of Trendelenburg Gait (or Trendelenburg’s Symptom; Friedrich Trendelenburg 1844–1924) The Trendelenburg gait occurs when the gluteus medius and minimus do not function properly. These two muscles abduct the hip, an...
The humerus is a long bone running the length of the shoulder to the elbow that is located in the arm. It connects from the scapula to the radius and ulna. The humerus consists of three sections: the humeral upper extremity, the body or shaft,...
One action of the gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus) is to rotate the hip. a. Which gluteal muscle(s) laterally rotate the hip? b. Which gluteal muscle(s) medially rotate the hip Ankle region a) Scapular b) Femoral c) A...
An MRI of his left hip revealed a full-thickness tear of the gluteus medius tendon and partial thickness tear of the gluteus minimus tendon. There was no recent history of a fall or trauma. The patient underwent glut eus medius tendon repair, which was successful. Setting Tertiary care ...