GLUTEUS mediusMAGNETIC resonance imagingDisclosures R. Nagarajan, None. Patients or Programs A 57-year-old African American woman with hip pain. Program Description A 57-year-old woman presented to the office with a 3-week history of left groin, lower back and knee pain after noticing a pop ...
Management of Common Problems after Total Hip Replacement 1. Trendelenburg gait (weak hip abductors) • Concentrate on hip abduction exercises to strengthen abductors. • Evaluate leg-length discrepancy. • Have patient stand on involved leg while flexing opposite (uninvolved) knee 30 degrees. If...
Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, USA Dr. Simon Lee Hip Preservation Center, Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush, Rush University Medical Center, 1611 West Harrison Street, Suite 300, 60612, Chicago, IL, USA Prof. Shane J. Nho Corresponding author Correspondence toJon...
Four patients required total hip replacement at eleven to sixteen months postoperatively.After a minimum of two years of follow-up, endoscopic surgical repair with correction of intra-articular pathological conditions was found to be an effective treatment for patients with a gluteus medius tear.Siva...
Poster 166: Gluteus Medius Tear Mimicking Greater Trochanteric Bursitis: A Case ReportDisclosures J. Vongvorachoti, None. Patients or Programs A 70-year-old woman. Program Description The patient presented with 6 months of nontraumatic left hip pain starting in the gluteal region and radiating to...
Berthelot, J.M., Potaux, F., Alliaume, C., Prost, A., Maugars, Y., 2001. A case of hip rotator cuff tear revealed by refractory gluteus medius tendinosis. Joint Bone Spine 68 (4), 360-363.Berthelot J-M, Potaux F, Alliaume C, Prost A, Maugars Y. A case of hip rotator ...
Poster 118 gluteus medius tear mimicking trochanteric bursitis and lumbar neurogenic claudica-tion: A case report. Rama Letchuman, MD, MS (Mayo Clin Coll Med, Rochester, MN); Terry Oh, MD, e-mail:doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2004.07.186None
Patient 2: A 35-year-old woman with left hip pain after she fell from a standing position onto her buttocks. Pain was located just below the left iliac crest, in the region of the proximal left gluteus medius. Pain was ongoing for greater than 2 months and described as stiff and achy....
An MRI of his left hip revealed a full-thickness tear of the gluteus medius tendon and partial thickness tear of the gluteus minimus tendon. There was no recent history of a fall or trauma. The patient underwent glut eus medius tendon repair, which was successful. Setting Tertiary care ...
Isolated Arthroscopic Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement for Patients with Radiographic Gluteus Medius Tear.doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2021.10.006Hao-lin SunHong-jie HuangMahmut MamtiminFan YangYu-Peng DuanXin ZhangJian-quan WangArthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official ...