臀中肌與臀小肌 Gluteus medius & Gluteus minimus 臀中肌與臀小肌 許多運動科學家都證實了一項研究,就是如果人體的臀中肌與臀小肌的肌力不足,對於膝關節以及踝關節的影響甚至比股四頭肌的影響來說更嚴重,因為臀中肌與臀小肌的功能就是穩定髖關節,並且使髖關節執行除了內收以外的所有方向的運動,當穩定髖關節...
Magnetic resonance imaging is the gold-standard examination of the pathology of the abductor muscles and tendons. The treatment of GTPS syndrome usually starts conservatively, including different modalities. Surgical management is mainly indicated for full or partial gluteal tendon ruptures that are non...
The meaning of GLUTEUS is any of the large muscles of the buttocks; especially : gluteus maximus.
The meaning of GLUTEUS MINIMUS is the innermost of the three muscles in each buttock that arises from the outer surface of the ilium, that is inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur, and that acts similarly to the gluteus medius.
MRI Diagnosis of Tears of the Hip Abductor Tendons (Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus) OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to determine the accuracy of MRI for diagnosing tears of the hip abductor tendons (gluteus medius and gluteus minim... O Cvitanic,G Henzie,N Skezas,... - 《...
to review the diagnosis on MRI and radiography of 24 renal transplant recipients with hip pain suspicious for avascular necrosis and to investigate whether there is an association between kidney transplant patients with end-stage renal disease and symptomatic gluteus minimus and medius tendon abnormality...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: gluteus medius【解剖】;musculus gluteus medius【解剖】; gluteus medius【解剖】;musculus gluteus medius【解剖】;分享到: 臀中肌分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献
读音:美英 gluteus medius基本解释 臀中肌;中臀肌 分词解释 gluteus臀肌 medius中指 gluteus medius是什么意思 gluteus medius怎么读 gluteus medius在线翻译 gluteus medius中文意思 gluteus medius的解释 gluteus medius的发音 gluteus medius意思是什么 gluteus medius怎么翻译 gluteus medius的中文翻译 gluteus medius的意思...
gluteus minimus 臀小肌 vena gluteus n. 【医学】臀静脉 digiti medius 【医】 中指 staphylinus medius 【医】 悬雍垂肌 scalenus medius 【医】 中斜角肌 相似单词 gluteus n. 臀肌 medius n. 中指 最新单词 chemical grout的中文意思 化学浆液 chemical gradient是什么意思 化学梯度 chemical gra...
The meaning of GLUTEUS MEDIUS is the middle of the three muscles in each buttock that arises from the outer surface of the ilium, that is inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur, and that acts to abduct and medially rotate the thigh.