New to the Gluten-Free Diet? Are you newly diagnosed with celiac disease? Have questions about adjusting to the gluten-free diet? Check out our complete guide to the gluten-free diet! Learn More! Recent Posts Jersey Mike’s Gluten-Free Menu When it comes to sub sandwiches, Jersey Mike's...
现在已经清楚这种肠胃不适(celiac disease)的病因,就在于肠胃对面筋蛋白质中的醇溶谷蛋白的过敏反应。标...
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects 1 in 131 people. The disease was once thought to be a rare disease characterized by diarrhea; celiac disease is in fact a multisystemic disorder that occurs because of an immune response to ingested gluten.D Diehl...
而Gluten Free 的产品,就是在制作过程中完全去除了面筋的产品! 为什么要去除面筋呢? 原因也很简单:因为有人对面筋过敏啊。 有一种疾病叫乳糜泻(Celiac disease),它的主要症状是慢性腹泻、生长迟缓和疲劳等。这是一种具有遗传因素的免疫疾病。这种病其实挺常见的,根据统计,约占世界人口的 1% 到 2% 都患有这种疾...
Celiac disease and gluten-free lifestyle news and support since 1995. was the first Web site dedicated to helping celiacs.
Let’s start 2021 off on the right foot with a Gluten Free meal plan for our busy week. This week marks the 10th anniversary of my Celiac Disease diagnosis. I will write another post about my journey that you can read here. Since 2020 was crazy for all of us, I thought I should tr...
On a mission to find your favorite gluten-free snack? We can help with that. But first, what is celiac disease? According to National Institute of Health,“celiac disease is a chronic digestive and immune disorder that damages the small intestine. The disease is triggered by eating ...
I traveled the world for a decade with celiac disease, and while I am thrilled that there are more resources out there than when I set out in 2008, they are not always suitable for celiacs. I hope this page, with my long (free!) country and city guides, and the gluten free translati...
(二)麸质慢性过敏疾病--乳糜泻(Celiac Disease) 乳糜泻是一种人体对麸质异常敏感造成的自体免疫性疾病,在欧美发病率约1%。正常人小肠黏膜细胞内有多肽分解酶,可将麸质分解为更小分子的无毒物质,但乳糜泻病人的肠黏膜细胞酶活性不足,不能将麸质分解。乳糜泻...
The gluten-free diet is implemented. When the patient shows a positive response to the diet – symptoms subside and the small intestine returns to its normal, healthy state, confirming the diagnosis of Celiac Disease. Note:To ensure the most accurate and timely diagnosis of Celiac Disease, the...