I have been in the supermarket alone! I have had glorious naps without someone whinging at me for sleeping! I have watched TV, in the middle of the day! I have been alone!!! I know this is supposed to be about her but oh my gosh it is so much about me too! And its about my...
Many flourless chocolate cake recipes are similar so what makes one better t... Read More Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten-free or Not)What does 'or not' mean? I have many requests to share gluten-free recipes. This means I have to develop some recipes. Fine with me as I love to ...
Me a few years ago with my absolutely fabulous gluten-free, soy-free, vegan birthday cake from Strawberry Blonde. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla icing, decorated (of course) with Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy references becauseI was turning 42. Gutsies(2297 St Joseph Blvd, Orléa...
I’m new with baking but really like to make ‘healthier’ cakes and cookies with low carbs but only when the ingredients are available at the supermarket. You seem to be one of the only sites that actually uses off-the-shelf ingredients! Well done. Keep on baking! Reply Libby www.ditch...
Vegan coconut cream cake with an oil-free frosting which reminds of Raffaello! The recipe is dairy-free, eggless, gluten-free, and oil-free.
Tags: gluten-free, raw, vegan Comments 2 Comments Categories Baking Author yenergy Flourless chocolate cake 15 Sep Birthday boy pavlova + flourless chocolate cake! It’s been done a million times and you’ve had it in all the restaurants, but it’s still so good and so easy. Flou...
It’s been a couple of months since the debut ofBetty Crocker’s four gluten-free dessert mixes: yellow cake, devil’s food cake, chocolate chip cookie and brownie.Wegmans was the first local supermarketto stock them, and other stores have since started carrying the products. (They’re also...