foam away 化作泡影 相似单词 gluing 贴; 胶粘; 粘合 foam n. [U] 1.泡沫;灭火泡沫 2.(马等的)大汗 3.泡沫材料;泡沫橡皮;泡沫塑料 v. [I] 1.起泡沫;(马等)冒汗 2.吐白沫;(发怒时)唾沫四溅 3.【口】大怒(+wit foam in place 现场发泡 foam back 泡沫背衬 foam tester 泡沫试验器 min...
foamover,Foamseal,foamsil,foamslag,foam-tester,foamy,fob,fobbing,FOBS,FOBT, 相似单词 glue-water,gluey,glueyness,glug,glugeasis,gluing,gluino,glulam,glum,Gluma, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 粘合;胶合 英语例句库 Apply theglueevenly over both surfaces. ...
The utility model relates to a foamed valve structure, which is suitable for being arranged on the neck part of a container and is used for closing analogous colloid or liquid or gas. The utility model comprises a valve body which is fixed on a bottle opening, a valve core, a spray gun...
英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 发泡粘合
The invention relates to a method for gluing by means of PU foam supplied in cans. In said method, the PU foam is first applied to an adhesion base in the form of a string of foam in order to create an adhesive layer, and then the PU foam collapses such that practically only the de...
Ceramic foam is prepared by direct foaming of liquid slurries with non-ion surfactants and gel-casting. 首先制备凝胶注模成型所需氧化铝陶瓷浆料,再添加吐温(Tween)和曲通(Triton)系列表面活性剂,通过机械搅拌使其直接发泡,再通过有机单体丙烯酰胺聚合,固化泡沫浆料,成型得到坯体,经干燥、烧结之后,制备成氧化...
Small-scale glues stick to surfaces Because of aging issues, dimensional control for multiple-piece foams can be improved through the use of precision gluing fixtures, which often won't accept any distorted or improperly aged foams. 'Shop-floor' process controls for lost foam An adult should cut...
they can not glue them because the foam is too small for the covers,,, DID you not check,.,,.,.COme on !!à 我从胶合的工厂得到了相片,他们想问这些是否是怎么他们应该是,他们根本甚而不适合橡胶盖子,如果我的顾客得到他将杀害我!!!的这些! 他们不可能胶合他们,因为泡沫为盖子是太小的,做了您不...
the invention concerns a procedure for the implementation of a joint by means of pu dosenschaum and trained a adhesive layer of pu foam, first in the form of a schaumraupe on a klebeuntergrund is applied and then collapses, so that in practice only a gew u00fcnsc they remain to verklebe...
We derive the the Barrett-Crane spin foam model for Euclidean 4 dimensional quantum gravity from a discretized BF theory, imposing the constraints that reduce it to gravity at the quantum level. We obtain in this way a precise prescription of the form of the Barrett-Crane state sum, in the...