1.(Elements & Compounds) a white crystalline monosaccharide sugar that has several optically active forms, the most abundant being dextrose: a major energy source in metabolism. Formula: C6H12O6 2.(Elements & Compounds) a yellowish syrup (or, after desiccation, a solid) containing dextrose, maltos...
The fat composition of special formula milk for VLBW infants may include up to 50% MCT. During feeding with two formulas (Nutricia, Holland) containing per 100 ml: 80 kcal, 8.0 g carbohydr., 2.2 g protein and 4.4 g fat with 40% MCT (A) or 5% MCT (B), glucose oxidation was ...
Glucose oxidation/depletion and hydrogen generation inhibit the glycation process by regulating down the levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and their receptors (RAGE), respectively, jointly blocking the apoptosis of skin cells and inducing their proliferation and migration for improved ...
Cysteine carbamidomethylation and methionine oxidation were set as fixed and variable modifications, respectively. The tolerances in mass accuracy were 20 ppm for both MS and MS/MS. The maximum false discovery rates (FDRs) were set at 0.01 at both peptide and protein levels, and the minimum ...
Whereas, as a result of hyperthyroidism, glucose depletion increases substantially, increasing insulin demand in peripheral tissues, which is generated by insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation, and ultimately leads to a disruption in hepatic insulin sensitivity [16, 55]. Furthermore, in a hyperthyroid ...
Oxidation of D-gluconolactone at C2 is also afforded by pyranose-2-oxidase from Polyporus obtusus. In this reaction both D-isoascorbic acid and 2-keto- D-gluconic acid were obtained in a roughly 1:1 ratio. Obviously, following the natural C1, C2 oxidation sequence, transesterification and (...
1), when the level of glucose is low, pancreatic α-cells secrete glucagon which stimulates the mobilization of fat from the adipose tissue to the skeletal muscle for β-oxidation. In the liver, glucagon and glucocorticoids stimulate glycogenolysis to supply glucose to red blood cells and the ...
Metals such as Cu, CuO, and Pt in MOFs show a higher response due to the high rate of redox reaction. Zhao et al. studied the electrocatalytic activity to direct glucose oxidation of CuO–rGO compared to the nonporous rGO–CuO (CuO–rGO) [47]. It shows that modified glass carbon ...
It also can be combined with indirect calorimetry to measure rates of glucose or lipid oxidation and non-oxidative glucose disposal, hemodynamic measures to assess the effects of insulin on vascular function or with imaging techniques to measure rates of glucose metabolism in specific tissues or ...
The RER was calculated as the VCO2/VO2 ratio and the substrate utilization rates were calculated using Frayn’s formula51: rate of glucose oxidation = 4.585VCO2 − 3.226VO2; rate of fat oxidation = 1.695VO2 − 1.701VCO2. The exercise endurance capacity under treadmill...