How long does it take to get approved for a continuous glucose monitor with US MED®? What different types of CGMs are available? Can you check your blood sugar without sticking your finger? Does US MED® really provide 90-day supplies for CGM systems? *Fingersticks required for diabetes...
How To Monitor Blood Pressure Without Raising It February 27, 2021byKristina Panos16 Comments Does anyone actually enjoy the sensation of being squeezed by a blood pressure cuff? Well, as Mom used to say, it takes all kinds. For those who find the feeling nearly faint-inducing, take heart:...
, and internal (noise in electrical appliances and cable, the quality of the probe, the degree of evenly of the probe sticking to the investigated object, the degree of roughness of the resulting phantom surface, the electrophysical characteristics of the phantom, etc.). The very nature of ...