In women aged <45 years with FBG <6.9 mmol/l, those with BMI ≥27.5 kg/m2 had the highest mortality, whereas individuals with BMI <20 kg/m2 had the highest mortality for each given FBG level in other age and sex groups. Conclusions/interpretation Leanness and hyperglycaemia interact ...
ABX-erased sex-difference in glucose metabolism was mainly due to the improvement of male mice in response to gut microbiome depletion (Fig.2f–j). Further, the pAkt levels in the
estimates for two of these traits were just marginally over the significance threshold for sex heterogeneity in their genetic correlation with FI: anorexia nervosa (rgwomen = −0.28, rgmen = −0.09, PCochran’sQtest = 0.051, I2 = 74%) and HOMA-B levels (rgwomen =...
The same study also found an inverse association between fasting glucose levels and grip strength in women with normoglycaemia. Some previous studies have also found a difference in grip strength between those with newly diagnosed and previously known diabetes. In unadjusted analysis, Mainous III ...
In theabsenceof an obvious elevation in fasting or random plasmaglucose levels, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can be made with an oralglucose tolerancetest (OGTT). This involves, for the nonpregnant adult, theingestionof a solution containing 75g of glucose over 5min, with a measurement of...
In this study group, female growth-restricted rats exhibited persistent estrous as early as 11 mo of age that persisted to 12 mo of age when testosterone was significantly increased but estradiol levels were not altered. Perimenopause in women is associated with a state of androgen/estrogen ...
Unadjusted IO and IM levels were significantly higher in men than in women (51 vs 44 and 303 vs 231 pM--antilogs of log-normalized values). Insulin levels, adjusted for differences in age, % Body Fat, WHR, and GM by analysis of covariance, however, showed no sex differences (49 vs ...
This clinical study was conducted to investigate the safety and effect of D-psicose on postprandial blood glucose levels in adult men and women, including borderline diabetes patients. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover experiment of single ingestion was conducted on 26 subjects who...
The qualitative tests most commonly used to check for G6PD deficiency in clinical settings are adequate for identifying males with G6PD deficiency, thus informing appropriate treatment options. However, these tests do not accurately define G6PD activity in females, potentially exposing women with intermedi...
Glucose and fatty acids are the major sources of energy for human body. Cholesterol, the most abundant sterol in mammals, is a key component of cell membranes although it does not generate ATP. The metabolisms of glucose, fatty acids and cholesterol are often intertwined and regulated. For exa...