The abnormal paternal G6PD gene is segregating in his daughter who is double heterozygous for maternal and paternal variants. This mutant enzyme, different from...doi:10.1159/000459677M GherardiH VergnesP RochiccioliG DutauEnzyme
The specific test minus control reaction at 30°C was twice that at 20°C. Variation of the substrate concentration at 30°C yielded a Km value of 0.37 mM. These preliminary results show that our image analysis system can be used for kineti measurements of dehydrogenase activity in froizen ...
elegans, f6p fructose-6-phosphate, g1p glucose-1-phosphate, g6p glucose-6-phosphate, HP hexosamine pathway, PPP pentose phosphate pathway, UDP-G uridine diphosphate glucose. Adapted from Seo et al.88 and created with d Trehalose levels of worms treated as in WT, HGD-1 ...
it remains unclear whether NAD(P)H FLIM is sensitive to other potential fates of glucose. Glucose carbon can be diverted from mitochondria by the pentose phosphate pathway (via glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, G6PDH), lactate production (via ...
reductions in mRNA expression under high-glucose conditions relative to the control. Additionally, ecto-5’-nucleotidase (5NT, which catalyzes AMP to phosphate and adenosine) and P2Y purinoceptor 6 were significantly downregulated and upregulated, respectively, under 4.5 g/L glucose conditions compared...
reductions in mRNA expression under high-glucose conditions relative to the control. Additionally, ecto-5’-nucleotidase (5NT, which catalyzes AMP to phosphate and adenosine) and P2Y purinoceptor 6 were significantly downregulated and upregulated, respectively, under 4.5 g/L glucose conditions compared...
hyperbili- rubinaemia is at least one total serum bilirubin concentration ≥342 μmol/l was identified during the first 30 days of life and the following conditions were not present: positive direct antiglobulin test, glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- genase deficiency, ABO incompatibility or Rhesus al...
(Fueger et al. 2003, 2004a,b). Muscle glycogen was determined by the method of Chan & Exton (1976) on the contralateral gastrocnemius and SVL muscles. Tissue glucose and glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) levels were measured enzymatically (Lloyd et al. 1978) following deproteinization with 0.5% ...
PDZD8 increased the affinity of GLS1 towards the substrate glutamine (after phosphorylation by AMPK: Km of KGA decreased from 14.63 mM to 6.08 mM in the absence of inorganic phosphate, and from 7.30 mM to 3.46 mM in the presence of inorganic phosphate; and ditto for GAC)....
FBP, fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (F26P), and fructose-1-phosphate (F1P) at 200 μM were individually added to light organelles purified from 2-h glucose-starved MEFs. The mixtures were then solubilized and LAMTOR1 was immunoprecipitated, followed by immunoblotting to determine co-precipitated ...