2-Keto-3-deoxygluconate-6P (KDPG) aldolase of Pseudomonas putida mediates the cleavage of, as well as the condensation of, pyruvate and d -glyceraldehyde-3P (GaP) yielding, 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate-6P (KDPGal) as side reactions of normal catalysis. These are visualized at high levels of...
2-Keto-3-deoxygluconate-6P aldolase ofPseudomonas putida mediates exchange between hydrogen isotope at the methylene carbon of 2-ketobutyrate and water. This occurs with aK m of 20 mM, 100 times the corresponding value for pyruvate, and a Vmax approximating 1/710 that of KDPG cleavage. ...