glTF Viewer Drag glTF 2.0 file or folder here Choose file three.js r168|help & feedback|github
gltf viewer 在线预览gltf glb格式文件 NSDT 3Dconvert是一个可以进行3D模型格式转换的在线工具,支持多...
npm 地址: yarn add three-gltf-viewer main.js使用 import gltfViewer from "three-gltf-viewer" import "three-gltf-viewer/lib/style.css" app.use(gltfViewer) import modelUrl from "@package/gltf-viewer/assets/models/machine.glb" <...
Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D Viewer instance. options Object Options for the glTFExtension * Required Examples // Use this viewer option to load the glTF extensionvaroptions={env:'AutodeskProduction',api:'derivativeV2',documentId:'tests/unittest/models/gltf/duck.gltf'} ...
<gltf-viewersrc="demo/duck.gltf"interactive></gltf-viewer> See the component in action. Usage Here is a simple sample to get you started: Important note:The example is great to try it out, but you should install the component if you build an application with<gltf-viewer>so you don't ...
<gltf-viewer src="demo/duck.gltf" interactive></gltf-viewer> See the component in action. Usage Here is a simple sample to get you started: Important note: The example is great to try it out, but you should install the component if you build an application with <gltf-viewer> so you ...
state.gltf=awaitresourceLoader.loadGltf("path/to/some.gltf"); Render Fidelity Tools Install npm i@khronosgroup/gltf-viewer Repository Homepage
The Khronos glTF Viewer is an easy-to-use application that lets you view and interact with 3D models in the Khronos glTF 2.0 file format, and includes support f…
glTF 2.0 Viewer written in Rust. Contribute to bwasty/gltf-viewer development by creating an account on GitHub.
import { ref } from "vue" import modelUrl from "@package/gltf-viewer/assets/models/machine.glb" //测试模型 const showAside = ref(true) //是否显示侧边栏 const guiSettingData = { showGui: true, //默认显示gui expangdGui: true, // 是否展开gui background: true, //是否显示背景 背景...