12月16日,先为达生物宣布,公司提交的1类新药伊诺格鲁肽注射液(Ecnoglutide Injection)新适应症上市许可申请获CDE受理,用于在控制饮食和增强体力活动的基础上对成人患者的长期体重管理。 伊诺格鲁肽注射液,是先为达生物自主研发的全球首个具有cAMP偏向性的新...
根据先为达生物公开资料介绍,伊诺格鲁肽注射液(ecnoglutide injection,XW003)是一种新型、脂肪酸修饰的长效GLP-1受体激动剂,其分子全部由天然氨基酸组成,与其他GLP-1类似物相比,生产工艺更为简化,且可实现每周给药一次。本文源自:智通财经网
Herlihy, A.H., Bell, J.D., et al. 2006. Differential hypothalamic neuronal activation following peripheral injection of GLP-1 and oxyntomodulin in mice detected by manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 350:298-306. ...
关于伊诺格鲁肽注射液(Ecnoglutide Injection,XW003) 胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)激动剂可有效治疗2型糖尿病和肥胖症,并显示出治疗代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝炎(MASH)的潜力。伊诺格鲁肽注射液是一种具有cAMP偏向性的新型长效GLP-1激动剂,经优化提高生物活性,降低生产成本,可满足每周一次给药。已完成的临床研究证实...
12月16日,先为达生物宣布,公司提交的1类新药伊诺格鲁肽注射液(Ecnoglutide Injection)新适应症上市许可申请获CDE受理,用于在控制饮食和增强体力活动的基础上对成人患者的长期体重管理。 伊诺格鲁肽注射液,是先为达生物自主研发的全球首个具有cAMP偏向性的新...
参考来源:‘FDA. FDA approves first generic of once-daily GLP-1 injection to lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. FDA News Release. Released December 23, 2024. Accessed December 23, 2024.’香港登越药业温馨提示:本文旨在介绍医药健康研究,不作任何用药依据,具体用药指引,请咨询主治...
As they become cheaper, they promise to improve billions of lives 正文:Every day seems to bring more exciting news. First the drugs tackled diabetes. Then, with just an injection a week, they took on obesity. Now they are being found to treat cardiovascular and kidney disease, and are bei...
注射用艾塞那肽微球(Exenatide Microspheres for Injection),商品名:百达扬®/Bydureon®,是FDA批准的基于PLGA的艾塞那肽聚合物微球制剂。虽然PLGA的降解时间长达六个月以上,但艾塞那肽-PLGA微球制剂仅仅能实现每周一次的给药频率。 图6:注射用艾塞那肽微球。皮下注射后(A),直径为60μm的微球会聚合并在体内...
[8] Furuse, M., Matsumoto, M., Okumura, J., Sugahara, K., Hasegawa, S. 1997. Intracerebroventricular injection of mammalian and chicken glucagon-like peptide-1 inhibits food intake of the neonatal chick. Brain Res 755:167-169.
Wegovy (semaglutide) injection 2.4 mg cardiovascular outcomes data presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Novo Nordisk Press Release. 11. 11. 2023. Chen, E. Liver disease MASH is next target for obesity dru...