GLP Capital Management Limited 企业英文名称 - 商业登记号码 69289871 企业注册号 2687762 成立日期 2018-04-27 企业类型 私人股份有限公司 企业状态 仍注册 注册地 - 办事处地址 3806 CENTRAL PLAZA, 18 HARBOUR RD WANCHAI, HONG KONG股东信息 董事信息 秘书信息 股权结构更多...
Singapore, 6 March 2023 –-GLP Capital Partners Limited(“GCP”),a leading global alternative asset manager that focuses on thematic investing across real assets and private equity, is pleased to announce that it received two awards at the 2022 Private Equity Real Estate (“PERE”) Global Awards...
GLP China Capital Holding Limited was incorporated on 27-MAR-2018 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Mar 27 and May 08 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is listed ...
GCP Europe is part of GLP Capital Partners Limited (“GCP”), a leading global alternative asset manager with approximately $125 billion in total assets under management. GCP invests primarily through real asset and private equity strategies, focusing on high conviction and fast-growing new economy...
GLP Capital Investment 9 (HK) Limited was incorporated on 28-JUN-2018 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Jun 28 and Aug 09 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is ...
GLP Capital Partners is a global leader in alternative asset classes such as logistics assets, infrastructure investing and renewable energy. See our results.
GLP Capital Partners is a global leader in alternative asset classes such as logistics assets, infrastructure investing and renewable energy. See our results.
GLP is listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX stock code: MC0.SI; Reuters ticker: GLPL.SI; Bloomberg ticker: GLP SP). GLP Investor Relations & Media Contact: Ambika Goel, CFA SVP- Capital Markets and Investor Relations ...
Kirkland & Ellis is advising GLP Capital Partners Limited on the sale of its international business and certain of its affiliates, excluding its operations in Greater China (“GCP International”), and existing capital commitments to certain managed funds to Ares Management Corporation (NY...