Consoli A, Formoso G. Potential side effects to GLP-1 agonists: understanding their safety and tolerability. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2015 Feb;14(2):207-18. Filippatos TD, Panagiotopoulou TV, Elisaf MS. Adverse Effects of GLP-...
[17]Wharton S, Calanna S, Davies M, et al. Gastrointestinal tolerability of once‐weekly semaglutide 2.4 mg in adults with overweight or obesity, and the relationship between gastrointestinal adverse events and weight loss[J]. ...
An inhalable dry powder formulation comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) for prandial use in combination with insulin for the treatment of hyperglycemia and/or diabetes in a patient. The inhalable dry powder formulation preferably comprises a ...
而美国药监局的结论在2024年1月公开了,结论是没有证据证明GLP-1受体激动剂跟自杀风险有关 [4]。 同样针对有关的怀疑,牛津大学的团队刚刚在2024年7月在《柳叶刀》子刊发表的一项回顾性研究,比较了司美格鲁肽和多种治疗糖尿病药物,是否增加精神健康比例的风险(neuropsychiatric adverse outcomes)。该研究分析了美国的...
了解GLP-1影响体重的相关机制。 自胰高糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)被发现以来,已然成为一种“多面手”激素——其接二连三的代谢功能被人们发现,远远超出了作为肠促胰素的经典定义。GLP-1众多有益的作用使其受体激动剂逐渐成为更多新兴的治疗领域如脂肪肝、肥胖和神经退行性疾病等的冉冉之“星”药物,而GLP-1的减重作用...
Adverse Effects of GLP-1 DrugsCommon side effects of GLP-1 drugs are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. [1, 2, 7] You may also experience [1, 2, 7]:Dizziness Mildly increased heart rate Infections Headaches Upset stomachIt’s also important to note that GLP-1 drugs increase satiety; if ...
[7] Bettge, K., Kahle, M., Abd El Aziz, M.S., Meier, J.J., Nauck, M.A. 2017. Occurrence of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea reported as adverse events in clinical trials studying glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: A systematic analysis of published clinical trials. Diabetes Obe...
Importantly, targeting of MK-801 to GLP-1 receptor-expressing brain regions circumvents adverse physiological and behavioural effects associated with MK-801 monotherapy. In summary, our approach demonstrates the feasibility of using peptide-mediated targeting to achieve cell-specific ionotropic receptor ...
MACE:Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events,心血管死亡、非致死性心肌梗死或非致死性卒中 特别值得注意的是,在2024年美国心脏协会科学年会上公布的亚组分析显示,在2,057例(12%)有冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)史的患者中,司美格鲁肽表现出更大的绝对获益。这些CABG患者群体特征显示:年龄较大,男性占比高(84%),且具有更...