1.21.4 New Glowing Ores 2.0 Border [1.21+] Release R 1.21.4 Oct 23, 2024 Report ( including raw ore blocks and ancient debris )glow. There are 2 different versions of it, which names and versions are different: DefaultVersion ( only ores glow ) ...
Feel free to use in any resource pack, just do not republish the textures as your own work. Currently texture pack is for MC 1.9 - 1.17 in future i will add the support of newer versions of Minecraft or also mod support.Write your ideas and suggestions in the comments.Thanks!
This also helps prevent you from forgetting any minerals. This affects all existing minerals, even to the netherite, in its case it will completely shine the entire block You can choose between 3 variants of the resourcepack for your convenience -Emissive ores classic-Only affects the pixels o...
Glowing texture This pack is supported both single player world and multiplayer servers. version supportedform- 1.16 TO Latest version make sure you check the file version before downloading the packall versions have separate files Enjoy the "Glowing Flash PvP Pack". THANKS FOR DOWNLOADING....
Go Premium Get CurseForge AppLoginHome Minecraft Resource Packs Ores Glowing Ores Glowing ByMrPup Resource Packs 12,102 DownloadInstall About Project Created Sep 23, 2023 Updated Oct 9, 2023 Project ID 915945 License Apache License version 2.0 Game VersionsView all 1.21.4 1.21.3 1.21.2 1.21.1...
This resource pack adds glowing/emmisive textures for ores from a few mods and vanilla ores, the supported mods are as follows: Better End Better Nether Create Industrial Revolution Mythic Metals Marium's Soulslike Weaponry Tech Reborn Things Galosphere Oh The Biomes You'll Go Deeper and Darker...
This pack makes all the ores( including raw ore blocks and ancient debris )glow. There are 2 different versions of it, which names and versions are different: DefaultVersion ( only ores glow ) BorderVersion ( borders and ores glow ) ...
This resource pack enable ores added by Stay True to glow. ( Including coal ore ) Make sure you have Stay True lower in your resource packs list For fabric make sure you have Continuity installedAll animated blocks from Stay True are still animated and glowing. v1 and higher contains Create...