Placing concrete in form for privy slab, MN, by Shipman, 1941, Library of Congress (collection FSA Office of War Info) South family’s shaker style privy, Harvard, Worcester County, MA 1930s General Israel Putnam Privy, Brooklyn, CT after storm Arlington, MA, Walker Evans 1930s Privy Monte...
Eileen Duff is a North Shore powerhouse who has served on the Governor’s Council for 12 years. Southern Essex County needs a competent leader to fill the shoes of retired Register of Deeds John L. O’Brien, Jr., who occupied that office for an impressive 48 years and worked to make th...
CR(29:00): I admired how you let the curators/experts’ personalities come through. They’re all seated. They’re almost all like Hopper (paintings)…I thought the film structure mirrors the artist’s process in that way. You let the art speak and the people interpreting. Michael(30:00)...
Eileen Duff is a North Shore powerhouse who has served on the Governor’s Council for 12 years. Southern Essex County needs a competent leader to fill the shoes of retired Register of Deeds John L. O’Brien, Jr., who occupied that office for an impressive 48 years and worked to make th...
Our pick for Essex County Clerk of Courts: Tom Driscoll The various clerks and registers around Massachusetts may be the only elected offices that have even lower profiles than the Governor’s Council, other than Electors Under the Will of Oliver Smith (this is areal thingin nine municipalities...