Glossary of Medicare Terms.Lists terms and phrases related to Medicare. Catastrophic coverage; Income relating; Managed care; Preferred provider organizations.EBSCO_AspCq Researcher
Qualifying events include reduced work hours, job loss, a child becoming an over-aged dependent, Medicare eligibility, death or divorce of a covered employee, among others. Coinsurance The percentage of the costs of a covered health care service or prescription drug you pay after you've paid ...
Qualifying events include reduced work hours, job loss, a child becoming an over-aged dependent, Medicare eligibility, death or divorce of a covered employee, among others. Coinsurance The percentage of the costs of a covered health care service or prescription drug you pay after you've paid ...
The symptoms of acute HIV infection can include fever, rash, chills, headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea, sore throat, night sweats, appetite loss, mouth ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, muscle and joint aches – all of them symptoms of an acute inflammation (immune reaction). Related terms ...
Explanation of Medicare Benefits (EOMB) Facility-Freedom HIPAA Glossary of Definitions Facility Federal Register (FR,F.R.) Flat File Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) GAP-Guideline HIPAA Glossary of Definitions GAP Analysis Group Health Plan ...
Our comprehensive, easy-to-use glossary provides definitions for common health insurance terms to help you better understand your health care.
Taxes collected for the Social Security and Medicare programs. Field Audit An audit conducted wherein the IRS agent will visit the taxpayer or their representative at the taxpayer's home or place of business. Filing Status The category that a taxpayer qualifies for and selects on a tax return...
Medicare guidelines state that compliance is defined by using your machine at least 4 hours each night for 70% of the nights. So, if you use your machine 22 days out of 30 for at least 4 hours a night you are compliant. Compliance is also sometimes linked to health insurance reimbursement...
It also applies to other types of insurance, such as AD&D. Beneficiary (Medicare) This is someone who has a health plan under Medicare. Benefit This refers to medical services covered by your health plan. This word is also used to describe your health plan in general. It can also mean ...
Special Needs Plans are a type of Medicare Advantage Plan that limits its member base to people with specific diseases or characteristics. SNPs are required to cover the same benefits as under traditional Medicare. However, SNPs are also able to customize benefits and offer supplemental benefits to...