Get caught up on the latest lingo used by golfers all around the world. Definitions for commonly used golf terms.
Here's a list of terms commingly used to describe the instruments, song forms and styles used in traditional Irish and other forms of Celtic music. In the case of old Gaelic/Irish words, a prounciation key is included. (More on Irish musicians on ourIrish Music page) Bainseop: BAN-sho...
Sports Betting Glossary - Visit for a comprehensive list of betting & gambling terms. Advance your knowledge & understanding.
Probation– Probationers typically must abide by terms and conditions for 5 years after a conviction for DUI – California Vehicle Code Section 23152: not drive with a measurable amount of alcohol (with a level of 0.01% or greater), without a valid license or without insurance, and must submi...
Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneouslyThis is an alphabetical list of selected unofficial and specialized terms, phrases, and other jargon used in baseball, and their definitions, including illustrative examples for many ...
Become a member of - click here!Advertisements:Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneouslyDefinitions and explanations of terms and maneuvers in fencing....
Resources / Terms And Definitions Glossary of Developmental Disability Terms This resource has been compiled by the staff of Developmental Disabilities Resource Center. It is dedicated to Mike Boorman, parent and former Board Director. With thanks for his many contributions to DDRC and especially for ...
Free Acronyms and Abbreviations Finder and Definitions - Business, Training, Medical, Military, Technical, Funny - Acronyms, Backronyms and Abbreviations Meanings Some of these acronyms could be considered 'politically incorrect', including a few which could be interpreted to be rude or offensive. As...
Passionate players or "gamerists" have a special language of their own. Throughout the site, we define these words and put them into perspective for you. This special language of games includes terms, lingo, jargon, definitions, slang, phrases and expressions that are shared within the games ...
Lean Dictionary of lean manufacturing terms with definitions, formulas, videos, and Excel templates for lead time calculation, cycle time calculation, takt time, value add time, and more lean terms and concepts. Lean glossary with online training and Exc