Incriminal law, the constitutional guarantee that a defendant will receive a fair and impartial trial. In, the legal rights of someone who confronts an adverse action threatening liberty or property.
Prison terms for two or more offenses to be served at the same time, rather than one after the other. Example: Two five-year sentences and one three-year sentence, if served concurrently, result in a maximum of five years behind bars. Confirmation Approval of a plan of reorganization by a...
Welcome to the ever-evolving world of commerce and payments, condensed into this go-to glossary of core concepts, topical terms, and ambiguous acronyms. Initially released more than a decade ago by First Data, today’s leader in commerce enablement, this updated and expanded glossary is your ...
Transactions conducted by an organization distributing product within the terms of a contractual agreement with the Original Component Manufacturer. Source: SAE Aerospace Standard AS5553 Rev. C Counterfeit Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disp...
Criminal Sanctions Criminal sanctions, including fines of $50,000 or more and/or jail terms up to 10 years, may be imposed for knowing or willful violations of Export Administration Act. CTP Composite Theoretical Performance Customs Administration A government agency that regulates the flow of import...
gold standardA monetary standard in which a nation’s currency is defined in terms of gold and all forms oflegal tendermay be redeemed for gold at the statutory rate. Replacedbimetallismin many industrialized nations during the 19th century as a means to create uniform international trade conditio...
DE APICIBUS JURIS,from the high places of the law. DE PERICULO ET COMMODO REI VENDITAE,concerning the risk and profit of sales. DEAD-THRAW,death-thraw. DEBOSHED,debauched. DEFORCEMENT--SPULZIE--SOUTHRIEF,legal terms for resisting an officer of law. DEIL,devil. DELATE,accuse. DELICT,mis...
charged(withacriminaloffence). ABC-AuditBureauofCirculations;agroupthatauditsnewspapercirculationfigures. ABCe-AuditBureauofCirculationsElectronic-divisionoftheABCthatauditstrafficfiguresforonlinepublications. ACAP-AutomatedContentAccessProtocol,aplatformthatwouldallowsearchenginestorecognisethetermsand ...
There are also others, due to the parallel development of rail transport systems on both sides of the Atlantic. Various terms are presented here alphabetically; where a term has multiple names, this is indicated. The note "US" indicates a term peculiar to North America, or "CA" may ...
Get the definitions to common immigration terms in English, Spanish and Chinese. This is the Rapid Visa immigration glossary resource.