SouthernSongdynasty. Nine Chessterms.Referstothechessboardonthechessboardbythe diagonalcrosslineof"rice"shapedgrid.Similartothe ancientwar"junzhangissueordersleftandright".Itisan areawheretheofficersandmenareactive. Thelineofsoldiers Alsocalled"deathforest"".Chessterms.Thechessboardis closetothesecondlinesof...
中国象棋术语大全(A glossary of Chinese chess terms).doc,中国象棋术语大全(A glossary of Chinese chess terms) Chinese chess terms (1) Chinese chess Chinese traditional chess species. In the square chessboard, dividends, black two parties, each has 16,
Defined in MLB Rule 2 as "the effort that a fielder of average skill at a position in that league or classification of leagues should exhibit on a play, with due consideration given to the condition of the field and weather conditions." A defensive player's ordinary effort is considered by...
Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously This is a glossary of terms incurling. 0-9|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I| J |K|L|M|N|O|P| Q |R|S|T|U|V|W| X | Y | Z 0-9 #'s During a game, sweepers might ca...
These models take audio containing speech and convert it into text. These can be extremely useful as they allow audio to be searched for key terms, or AI models to transmit text instead of audio over networks, which is much smaller and faster.Authentication...
Games and game design have their own unique language set, made up in part of slang and science, with a little magic and fun to fill the cracks. Check back frequently — this is a work in progress, and we're dropping new terms all the time. When you're ready to find out more ...
requirements for appropriate care can vary depending on the type of disability, the policy terms and conditions, and the treating physician’s recommendations. Appropriate care requires that the claimant receives ongoing medical treatment consistent with the standard of care for their parti...
Queen. In chess, the queen can make any move a bishop or a rook can, except castle. Q Quelle. German word meaning `source.' Q is the name of a hypothesized document in New Testament analysis, supposed to have been a source that both Luke and Matthew used to write their gospels. ...
the planning required to win a chess game, and took the Turing Test as its central goal. AGI demands more, reaching comparable levels in all forms of human intelligence are seen as goals. This development is well emphasized in #4. #1, #2, and #5 are right in emphasizing that A(G)I...
Discover our glossary with a complete list of chess terms (definitions, examples…). Check out our dictionary and take your chess knowledge to the next level.