In most cases, authors insert glossaries at the end of non-fiction books or articles. However, some fiction novels have lists of unusual or unfamiliar terms.According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a glossary is:“An alphabetical list, with meanings, of the words or phrases in a text that ...
Glyph: In astrology, a symbol for each sun and moon.Gnostic: Person who practices Gnosticism (See Gnosticism).Gnosticism: Philosophical teachings dating to the pre-Christian era; derived from the Greek word “gnosis”, meaning knowledge. It is a group of belief systems based on teachings ...
Allegory:An allegory is a kind of extended metaphor (a metaphor that weaves throughout the poem) in which objects, persons, and actions stand for another meaning. Alliteration:Alliteration happens when words that begin with the same sound are placed close to one another. For example, “thesilly... (Accesssed...
Novus Ordo– Latin. Meaning: “new order”. The Ordinary Form of the Catholic mass in the Roman rite since 1970. NRSV(New Revised Standard Edition) – a bible translation. This is an edition using more contemporary language, and in some cases, more inclusive language than its predecessor, ...
Effectively the possibility exists that in different countries certain terms may not have the same meaning, in such a case the creation of an internationally accepted definition is particularly justified. A Working Party belonging to the IUPAC Section on Medicinal Chemistry has therefore been assembled...
When workflow data is defined, it can either be set to customizable (1000), meaning anyone can modify it, or it can be assigned a protection level that is equal to the access level of the user defining the data. In the latter case, only users operating at an access level equal to or...
In Oracle Workflow, a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1000 that represents who the data is protected from for modification. When workflow data is defined, it can either be set to customizable (1000), meaning anyone can modify it, or it can be assigned a protection level that is equal to...
If the dinosaur or paleontology term you are looking for is not in the dictionary, pleasee-mail us. Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx (meaning "ancient wing") is a very early prehistoric bird, dating from about 150 million years ago during theJurassic period, when many dinosaurs lived. It is one ...
Mayim Hayim– (Mah-yeem khah-yeem) Hebrew phrase meaning “living water,” which was an image of the Holy Spirit used in the Old Testament and by Jesus.Mayimmeans water,hayimmeans “living” or “life.” Malchut Shemayim– (Mal-KHUT Sheh-mah-yeem) – Kingdom of Heaven – Rabbinic term...