MSFT_NetNatTransitionConfiguration class (Windows) resources (in policyComments) (Windows) Minimal Server Interface for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 (Windows) Button Controls Opening Queues Offline How Associations Work PathFigureCollection.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Window...
, by more than about a mV) different from zero. popote Mexican word for a `drinking straw.' popper A Jalapeño pepper deep-fried in batter. Apparently this is a registered trademark of Anchor Food Products, Inc. of Appleton, Wisconsin. It doesn't give me a real good feeling, ...
Of course, in analyzing an electronic circuit or any electromagnetical system, one does select a convenient zero of voltage. (This is no different than selecting a convenient origin for a coordinate system, even though the ``origin'' is arbitrary.) The zero is usually the voltage of a node...
um einen Teil der Rechenlast von der CPU zu nehmen, wodurch die Effizienz des Systems erhöht wird. In Deep Learning wird die GPU-beschleunigte Datenverarbeitung häufig verwendet, um einen Teil der Rechenworkload auf eine GPU auszulagern, während die Hauptanwendung von der CPU ausgef...
Absolute Commission Plan: An absolute commission plan is a compensation structure where sales employees earn a fixed amount of commission for each sale, regardless of the size or value of the sale. This plan provides simplicity and predictability in commission calculations, making it easy for sales...
paysage des menaces. De plus, FortiGate dispose de capacités de machine learning qui lui permettent de détecter les malwares en fonction de son comportement, au lieu de s’appuyer uniquement sur les profils existants. De cette manière, FortiGate peut également prévenir les attaques zero-day...
ZeroMemory macro (Windows) EnumResTypeProc callback function (Windows) UnalignedStringCbLength function (Windows) SIO_TCP_INFO control code (Windows) DRAWPATTERNRECT Printer Escape function (Windows) SimpleCallback callback function (Windows) IGatherInlineStatus::SendInlineStatusChange method (Windows)...
For your convenience, we have distributed information related to this German noun at a number of places in this glossary (redundantly, so you won't miss anything important). Here, enjoy: ausgeruhter Kopf Grant's Tomb Hauptwort KDE (spelling and etymology) kfm (spelling) Kopfbedeckun...
Basic. Not that it was ever called that, but the B programming language was a simplified version of BCPL, in the name of which the B stood for Basic. B was a typeless language like BCPL, and like BCPL also it is remembered today for its genealogical connection to C, explained at the...
SecureZeroMemory function (Windows) WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure (Windows) ConnectionStatusHandler function (Windows) UserName (Windows) operator __m128i method (Windows) Intersects(XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR) method (Windows) XMBYTE4.operator = method (Windows)...