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PolyGone develops natural micoplaster filter technology, and has created a product called the ‘Plastic Hunter’ which captures microplastic debris through biometric root filters that mimic the structure of aquatic plants. Members of the PolyGone team in Atlantis City, New Jersey. Source: PolyGone ...
Amy Green Frankie Lain Natalia Forrest Aston Wilde Jen Loveheart Jenny James Suzi Star Rosa Elle Hunter Honour May Kay Tommy Monika Lara Smith Siobhan Graves Vendula Tillie Daisy A Bonnie Bellotti Alexa Campbell See More Models Most Popular Updates ...
Amy Green Frankie Lain Natalia Forrest Aston Wilde Jen Loveheart Jenny James Suzi Star Rosa Elle Hunter Honour May Kay Tommy Monika Lara Smith Siobhan Graves Vendula Tillie Daisy A Bonnie Bellotti Alexa Campbell See More Models Most Popular Updates ...
Pea green Measurement structure D/8-SCI+SCE,(Diffuse lighting, 8° direction receiving,Include specular light Remove specular light) Measurement repeatability/stability Chroma value:Standard deviation value ΔE*ab≤ 0.04 Average value:dE*ab≤ 0.05,maximum value:dE*ab≤ 0.08 ...
timida 2C (in green) and the house cricket A. domesticus 2C as an internal standard reference (in red). The PI fluorescent dyes were excited with a solid-state laser emitting at 488 nm. The y-axis gives the counts of propidium iodide (PI) stained nuclei. The x-axis displays the rel...
The RGB (red-green-blue) image measured by the CCD camera is converted into an L*a*b* image. The L* image is then Fourier transformed to obtain the Wiener spectrum. An evaluation model using Hunter whiteness, a visual characteristic, and the Wiener spectrum was proposed. As a result, ...
Originally Posted byBrian Green I'd never take advice from someone who has a gray screen by choice. You certainly aren't the rule, you're the exception. The iOS has one or two people buying Apple products because it's colorful. You must really hate that. I do have an iPhone and I ...
Left: (a) Gene model locations coloured by source pan-genome component (core: green, accessory: red). Right: (b) Gene model locations coloured by the size of their source syntenic cluster. Non-coding regions coloured in grey. Both figures generated by Pangloss. 2.3.2. Aspergillus ...