By 出品 分类: 最后更新:2025-02-14 发布日期: 当前版本: 成人评级: 文件大小:0 bytes 开发人员: 系统平台:Mac / iPad / iPhone / 所有苹果系统 兼容性:需要 iOS 或更新. 官方下载 描述 截图
This free app includes the pew version of all 235 of the public domain hymns in Glory to God including favorites such as “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,”“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” and “Take My Life and Let It Be.” You can add various editions of the hymnal, which...
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Glory to God is an iPad edition of the Presbyterian hymnal Glory to God, with razor-sharp music, powerful search capabilities, sample piano recordings of hymns, interesting information about hymns and their authors, and the ability to access several different versions of hymns including pew, accomp...
This free app includes the pew version of all 235 of the public domain hymns in Glory to God including favorites such as “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,”“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” and “Take My Life and Let It Be.” You can add various editions of the hymnal, which...
Glory to God Ecumenical Hymnal你可能也会喜欢
Glory to God Ecumenical Hymnal你可能也会喜欢
This is an iPad edition of the hymnal Glory to God: Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs, with razor-sharp music, powerful search capabilities, sample piano recordi…