和Glorious Model O-无线版鼠标搭配的Glorious冰元素游戏鼠标垫表面采用了玻纤材质,让其触感如同冰面一样顺爽、丝滑。 近距离观看可以看到Glorious冰元素游戏鼠标垫的玻纤材质更加细腻,这样也使得鼠标在X/Y轴方向移动时保持统一。 3mm的厚度不仅提升鼠标垫的质感同时也可以过滤掉桌面各种凹凸不平。
Model O comes included with our premium G-Skates - 100% pure Virgin PTFE, rounded edges that don’t snag on your pad so your mouse will glide like blades on ice. Comes in 0.81mm thickness for maximum lifespan.DPI Indicator The dedicated DPI indicator can be set to any va...
我们使用MouseTester软件对鼠标在2.4G Hz方式连接时的回报率和延迟进行了测试,从图表上看鼠标的延迟表现出色,延迟抖动极小。1000MHz回报率下测试的离散较大,当我们调低至500MHz回报率之后稳定性有所提高,总体性能接近有线连接。 作为一款大手型鼠标,Glorious Model O无线版趴握时的手感十分自然,重心很低,机身打孔设计...
The hype train has reached it's destination! THE WORLD'S FIRST ULTRA-LIGHT WIRELESS MOUSE IS HERE!Model O is a solid mouse that has features most manu
Model O Gaming Mouse - Matte Black Envisioned by a community of passionate gamers, and developed by a team who accepts nothing less than perfection, Model O will elevate your play to unimaginable heights. Built for speed, control, and comfort, we packed a full suite of ultra-premium...
is the key to achieving a feather-light weight while maintaining its ultra-durable strength. You’ll barely feel the holes during gameplay, but they provide ventilation to keep your palms cool & fresh. Cleaning the Model O- is easy, just use any air canister to keep your mouse good as ...
Buy Glorious Model O- (Minus) Wireless Gaming Mouse - 65g Superlight Honeycomb Design, RGB, Ambidextrous, Lag Free 2.4GHz Wireless, Up to 71 Hours Battery - Matte White with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
0 感觉容易藏污纳垢啊0 的确有这个后遗症0 欧美疯狂了 普象里的也疯狂了0 没感觉到 普象里的也疯狂了啊。不是同行或电竞玩家应该感觉不到...0 是因为密集恐惧症而疯狂0 只要能疯狂,至于因何而疯就无所谓了0 ... 这渲染真的不敢恭维0 毛驴出生,求大师多多指点0 泥填满了洞洞...0 密集阵恐惧症要复发...
Glorious PC Gaming Race just released their first gaming mouse, which is definitely among the best mice you can currently get. Ambidextrous, extremely lightweight, with a high-end sensor, perfect skates and cable—all this at a friendly price tag. This i
0 不是,但出品同一个屋天狼星的生日比它的生日要晚点0 外观海星,就是洞太多,增加了藏污纳垢的可能性,还有就是导线器...0 看图的确推论是如此,但实物完全不同,亚马逊有卖反馈还可以0 洞洞太多,密恐发作0 眩晕0 What 无线操作体验?0 就是减少线的摩擦,让鼠标没线的感觉。不过用一段时间后,再不用...0 ...