Once you start with perfection – you stay with perfection. The G44 is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal...
The Glock 44 is Glock's first dedicated .22LR pistol. With the ergonomics of the Glock 19 Gen5, this pistol is sure to feel at home in any shooter's hand! The Glock 44 22LR, is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. The G44 is Glock’s first .22 caliber...
Once you start with perfection – you stay with perfection. The G44 is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal...
G25: 发射.380 ACP,主打个人防卫,所以枪管长度跟G19一样,主要市场在欧洲所以没有10发弹匣,由于销量不佳所以早早停产 G26: G17的娘娘枪版本袖珍型,使用10发或12发带尾指托板的弹匣 G27: G22的袖珍型,使用9发或10发带尾指托板的弹匣 G28: G25的袖珍型,使用10发或12发弹匣,因为用户只要口袋枪,所以竞争不过...
Ghost Inc. 12201 SW 131 Ave Miami FL 33186 Returns Policy We accept all postage paid returns for exchanges/refunds or credit from the United States of America. For any refunds, product must have been purchase directly from Ghost Inc. Exchanges and credit will be accepted on any Ghost manufact...
G35: G22的短比赛型,本质上就是个发射.40S&W的G34 G36:德国国防军大量装备的突击步枪G21的袖珍型,其实G36和G30的长度都一样,但是更窄的枪身却让它轻了不少,这也使它必须使用只有6发的单排弹匣 G37: 发射.45 Glock Auto Pistol,简称.45GAP,是.45ACP的缩小版,标配10发弹匣 ...
格洛克17型手枪(英文:Glock 17 Pistol),是奥地利研制装备的军队制式轻武器之一。格洛克17型为9毫米口径手枪,该枪广泛采用了塑料件,如套筒座、弹匣体、托弹板、发射机座、复进簧导杆、前后瞄准器、扳机、抛壳挺顶杆及发射机座销等均由塑料制成,使整枪质量显著地减小,仅有620克,全枪包括弹匣只有32个零...