在容量方面,它可能无法与一些现代竞争对手相匹配,但也很接近,毫无疑问,如果是一名新手,G43X MOS应该在你的携带型枪支候选列表上。 格洛克G43X MOS规格 类型:击针式,半自动 口径:9mm Luger 容量:10+1发 枪管:3.41英寸(85.5mm) 全长:6.5英寸(165.1mm) 宽度:1.1英寸(27.9mm) 高度:5.04英寸(128.0mm) 重量:...
2.8万 4 00:33 App 经典的 格洛克 19 Gen5 5859 0 11:15 App Glock 45 MOS vs Glock 17 MOS 谁才是占据主导地位的新式手枪 993 0 02:43 App 【搬运】Glock 17 Gen 5 Review 1.7万 5 01:05 App Glock 17 Gen5 测评 9725 1 05:09 App Glock 19x Vs Glock 17 gen 5 ...
Glock 43X MOS隐蔽手枪 Glock43XMOS是奥地利枪械制造商Gock公司推出的一款精巧而实用的隐蔽手枪,旨在为警察、军人和民用用户提供可靠的自卫武器。Gock43XMOS采用了经典的Gock外形设计,具有简单、坚固、易于维护的特点。该手枪使用了单列、单排的弹匣,可以容纳10发9mm口径的子弹。此外,它还采用了模块化...
G43X Combo with Streamlight TLR-7® sub* The G43X MOS is available as combo with a Streamlight TLR-7® sub. The Slimline Model G43X MOS combines two well-known GLOCK features. Paired with the Streamlight TLR-7® sub the slim design and the modular optic system make this pistol ...
Chambered in 9x19 the G43X MOS features slide cuts designed for specific micro-optics and the GLOCK Slim Mounting Rail for mounting accessories. The perfect tactical partner in the well-known GLOCK Slimline design for comfortable concealability.
The G43x is a hybrid between the G48 and the smallest 9mm pistol offered by Glock (the G43). Check out our full Glock 43x review.
Glock 43 vs. Glock 43X: Choosing the Perfect Compact Pistol When it comes to compact pistols, Glock has established itself as a trusted brand in the firearms in … read more DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT... SEE WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING!
If you seek a mounting rail, consider the newer Glock 43X MOS. That model includes a rail and is cut for a red dot optic. Holsters While I’m on the subject of holsters, any holster that fits the Glock 43 will also fit the 43X perfectly, which is a nice touch. So the magazines...
SS80 Glock 43 Parts List SS80 Frame and this parts kit Unavailable ...But I've updated the parts list for parts currently in-stock. PF9SS Frame https://bit.ly/39moSdQ https://bit.ly/3rRFhkm ... Arc Division Sparc M // Roland Special Apr...
4934102:46 格洛克 19 手枪,个人认为这是颜值能排前三的。接受反驳 霸气榴莲酥· 2-26 1493012:53 GLOCK 19 MOS测评 搞么鸠· 2023-8-2 2.6万1012:33 格洛克19X vs 花盆 ast11819· 2020-9-15 1万1205:43 G19杀手!超越格洛克19的五大紧凑型手枪,你最认可谁? 北JI熊TOP· 2023-11-5 ...