Glock slide milling and optic cuts allowing customers to mount red dot sights and enhance the performance of their firearm by Battle Werx.
This slide offers skeletonized cuts on the front end of the slide while leaving the traditional angled Glock cuts on the rear of the slide.It is designed to be used with an RMR (ruggedized miniature reflex) sight and has the required cuts to receive the optic.If you have never had the c...
While they’ve been excellent for duty use thus far out to 25 yards, this Glock 17 Gen 5 was recently outfitted with the Holosun HE509T red dot sight. The rear has a U-notch, and they’re slightly shorter making for a very low, I’d say, lower ¼ co-witness on the MOS slide...
Optic cut Steel front and rear sights Compatibility:For Elite Force GLOCK 17 and 34 Gen.4 Series GBB Pistols Package Includes:Slide, Front Sight, Rear Sight, Barrel, Optic Cutout Plate, Mock Extractor Material:Aluminum Ready to Purchase?
Glock 47: + G19 = 4 Guns in 1 (~ish) Why do we say the Glock 47 is four guns in one (if you also have a G19 slide)? Because we can math good. Hell, we can count to 21 if we’re nekkid. Think about it. AsUSBP Agent Jeb Maynardpoints out, if you have a Gen 5 Glock...
Tyrant CNC Glock Gen3 Pins w/Diamond Cut (3) As Low As (Save Up to 26%) $17.96See all 3 models 15% Coupon 8 models HYVE Technologies Glock 43 Slide Cover Plate As Low As (Save Up to $2.00) $23.99See all 8 models 4 models Centennial Defense Systems Guide Rod Recoil Spring f...
I have a Gen 12 made in 1985 that balances very well in my hands. I do have a Hogue sleeve on it for retention. I also use a NY trigger spring with a minus disconnect. Shoots like a revolver intention... Read more Rating: 2.5/5 ...
I’ve seen many negative comments from gun people that it’s stupid to have a short slide on a pistol because that reduces the sight radius and somehow makes the pistol “less accurate.” I can see their point but have to disagree overall. I mean, going along with that premise, we sho...
I have both a g19 and g26, both gen 3’s. I like them both a lot. The grip angle did take a little getting used to, but now it just feels natural. I have no complaints with the trigger. It pulls the same every time. I’m actually a little better shot with the 26 than I ...
G17 L Long slide 版本 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 顾名思义也就是在G17标准尺寸枪体的基础上增加了枪管和套筒的长度。由于套筒和枪管长度的增加使得前后瞄准的距离随之增大,在精度上比G17有所提升。枪管长度甚至比G34还略长,但是由于产量问题以及USPSA组别的归类,G17L被归类为Limited 组别,从而在市面上相对少见...