模立方一把FN57把第一赛季所有缠片反吹全部干碎了,二赛季G17除了时间真的等了很久之外确实做的很不错了,但是不知道为啥选gen4这个型号,而且反吹热度也过了,会不会是绝唱也不好说 2023-11-27 5 33 Night_Natsume: 别的厂感觉不会跟了,不然57后17前这么久早该有别家新反吹了。膜立方自己还做不做也够呛,...
tonny071 铁之手 11 插销要记得上保养油 3楼2017-07-14 19:24 回复 tonny071 铁之手 11 4楼2017-07-14 19:25 回复 桑华如樾 铁之手 11 顶一个 来自Android客户端5楼2017-07-14 21:59 收起回复 TopLionHeart 铁之手 11 梁大的glock太666666 来自iPhone客户端6楼2017-07-15 07:13 收起...
【附图纸搬运】 乐高制John Wick的GLOCK 17 GEN4共计2条视频,包括:LEGO GLOCK 17 GEN4 (John Wick's)、LEGO GLOCK INSTRUCTIONS!!!等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
2020年最新 Tokyo Marui Glock 17 Gen4 GBB开箱简评,对比TM Glock系列的过去到现在,同时定了一支真铁枪套,最后巧合同一天收到,双倍快乐,那些曾经我们不能染指的真铁17 Holster请站一排叫老板好。慢,MARUI似乎严重滞后市场好像又落后于友商,还是按照自己的发行时
GLOCK 19 Gen4 The GLOCK 19 Gen4 pistol in 9 mm Luger offers great firepower while allowing to shoot quick and accurately. It is ideal for a more versatile role due to its reduced dimensions, without sacrificing all-important magazine capacity. The modular back strap system makes it possible ...
TheGLOCK 19is ideal for a more versatile role because of its reduced dimensions when compared to the standard sized option. Chambered in 9×19, the G19 has found worldwide acclaim with both private and public security agencies. In addition to being used as a conventional service pistol, it ...
Step 9– Clean the barrel. Either use a bore-snake for this step, or find the9mm wire brush in your gun cleaning kit. (These will often be labelled “38” since 9mm and .38 caliber are the same thing.) Affix it to your pushrod and swab the inside of the barrel 5-6 times. Spay...
Glock 19 GEN4 喜欢请三连支持,点关注不迷路,UP持续更新,嘻嘻~~~ 格洛克19 GEN 4(紧凑型)是格洛克19的第四代。采用双复进簧,比单簧有效减少后座力。使用9×19mm帕拉贝鲁姆弹,弹匣容量15+1发。加高的照门准星即使安装消音管也不会挡住瞄线影响射击。套筒顶部后方有瞄准镜安装座,可以安装各种微型红点或...
Glock17 Gen4概念设计。书接上文,上次拆解得不够彻底,今天直接全透明,Ban! #wargame #军迷发烧友 #弃丝行动 #影视道具请勿模仿 #这才是男人的玩具 - 代号樱木于20230131发布在抖音,已经收获了31.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Glock 10mm Complete Upper Build Kit (Parts List) Nov 20, 2019 Glock 10mm Complete Upper Build Kit Let's see how the NEW Polymer 80 Glock 10mm shoots at the range. Is it Reliable? This is Part 2 of the Polymer 80 PF45 Custom Glock 20 10mm build. [button... ...