The best Glock parts and custom Glock triggers. Upgrade your Glock with our premium selection of parts for improved performance.
Clearly, the Glock 19 is one of my favorite firearms. I like the fact that it’s 9mm. I like that it can take a magazine from the Glock 17 for 2 additional rounds, or the Glock 18, which is a non-USA selectable-fire model that comes with a 30 round magazine! Yes, you can get...
【老梁原创】GLOCK19 GEN4 银色 只看楼主收藏回复 tonny071 铁之手 11 送TA礼物 1楼2017-07-14 19:22回复 tonny071 铁之手 11 2楼2017-07-14 19:23 回复 tonny071 铁之手 11 插销要记得上保养油 3楼2017-07-14 19:24 回复 tonny071 铁之手 11 4楼2017-07-14 19:25 回复 ...
TheGLOCK 19is ideal for a more versatile role because of its reduced dimensions when compared to the standard sized option. Chambered in 9×19, the G19 has found worldwide acclaim with both private and public security agencies. In addition to being used as a conventional service pistol, it ...
模立方一把FN57把第一赛季所有缠片反吹全部干碎了,二赛季G17除了时间真的等了很久之外确实做的很不错了,但是不知道为啥选gen4这个型号,而且反吹热度也过了,会不会是绝唱也不好说 2023-11-27 5 33 Night_Natsume: 别的厂感觉不会跟了,不然57后17前这么久早该有别家新反吹了。膜立方自己还做不做也够呛,...
2020年最新 Tokyo Marui Glock 17 Gen4 GBB开箱简评,对比TM Glock系列的过去到现在,同时定了一支真铁枪套,最后巧合同一天收到,双倍快乐,那些曾经我们不能染指的真铁17 Holster请站一排叫老板好。慢,MARUI似乎严重滞后市场好像又落后于友商,还是按照自己的发行时
Jan 19, 2019 EPIC Custom Glock Mod.. (you didn't know you needed) (w/LINKS & CODES) Unfortunately these slides and comps are discontinued, but I included links for similar parts that I like . Codes Listed Beside Products and Towards Bottom of... ...
【附图纸搬运】 乐高制John Wick的GLOCK 17 GEN4共计2条视频,包括:LEGO GLOCK 17 GEN4 (John Wick's)、LEGO GLOCK INSTRUCTIONS!!!等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Looking for the best Glock 19 holster? I’ve assembled a long list of carry rigs along with my recommendations based on my experiences with carrying both Gen2 and Gen4 versions of the pistol.The good news for G19 owners is there are probably more holsters made for this pistol than any ...
clear indicator when the firearm is empty, enhancing safety awareness. Additionally, a fewer number of pins in the Gen 5 trigger design reduces the chances of a malfunction, thanks to fewer moving parts. These two enhancementsgive the Glock 19 Gen 5 the slightest of edges in the safety ...