The SHBG test is most commonly used to evaluate low testosterone (possible androgen deficiency) in men. However, it is also used in evaluating women with signs and symptoms suggestive of excess male hormones (androgens). What does the test measure? SHBG, a protein produced by the liver, trans...
Intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG) hasproven useful as an alternative to splenectomy, especially in children who are considered too young for splenectomy or in those in whom there is no response to splenectomy. It should be noted that booster shots are frequently required and the patient's ITP ma...
What's more, the tumor PTX concentration was higher than 10 μg/g even at 72 h after i.v. injection of NK105, indicating a sustained release behavior inside the tumor following the accumulation. Accordingly, NK105 exerted superior anti-tumor activity as compared with free PTX in HT-29 ...
Meaning... What is the best way to make this concept more intuitive? Sure, it sounds easy enough, in words. But when it comes time to actually DO the calculations: I have always found this entire thing to be a BIG pain in the neck... So then, you have any... ...
Daily antithymocyte globulin: is it too often?Antithymocyte-globulin, therapeutic useCost-analysisRenal-transplant-rejection, preventionNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03275472Springer International PublishingPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News...
Time is what we measure in hours, days, years, etc. It seemed like a long period of time. More time passed. You don't usually use time when you are saying how long something takes or lasts. Don't say, for example, 'The course took two years' time' or 'Each song lasts ten minu...
This kind of experimental set-up may be useful for looking at steroid-signaling pathways but it will tell you very little about whether SHBG will block any steroidin vivo! You see, academic researchers tend to pick cell types based on a what’s available, relatively easy to work with (some...
other plant sources during gelation has been investigated much less extensively. Though it is clear that different pea globulins components influence each other during aggregation and gelation [134–136], it is not yet established to what extent they co-aggregate into a single interconnected network...
This article explains the purpose of a globulin test. It also describes the testing process, what results mean, and ways to improve your levels. Simon's Photo / Getty Images Globulin Test Purpose A globulin test is a blood test. It is performed by a healthcare professional who takes a sam...
It is noteworthy that many groups had already recognized the same disease entity, but none had crystallized it into a single syndrome. However, despite the recognition of the clinical entity, the majority of the discussants still believed that this was likely to represent a primary immunoglobuli...