CancerTodayontheGlobaCancerObservatory.Aswithpreviousnon‐Hodgkinlymphoma(C82–C86,C96),multiplemyeloma(C88andC o n d 5–8i t i reports,ourlinesofinquiryarethreefold:(1)thedescriptionofC90,includingimmunoproliferativediseases),andleukemia(C91–o n s 4( h thecancerincidenceandmortalityburdenattheglobal...
[3],[4]provided by the International Agency for Research on Cancer's (IARC) Global Cancer Observatory and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), respectively. Both online platforms allow fast and convenient ac...
The sources and methods used in compiling the GLOBOCAN estimates for 2020 are described online at the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) ( The GCO website includes facilities for the tabulation and graphic visualization of the GLOBOCAN database for 185 countries and 36 cancers (as ...
CancerTodayontheGlobaCancerObservatory.Aswithpreviousnon‐Hodgkinlymphoma(C82–C86,C96),multiplemyeloma(C88andC o n d 5–8i t i reports,ourlinesofinquiryarethreefold:(1)thedescriptionofC90,includingimmunoproliferativediseases),andleukemia(C91–o n s 4( h thecancerincidenceandmortalityburdenattheglobal...