lat = double(ncread(filename,'latitude')); lon = double(ncread(filename,'longitude'));% Grid the lat,lon arrays:[Lat,Lon] = meshgrid(lat,lon);% Calculate February-to-August temperature trend:[tr,p] = trend(T(:,:,2:8)); First, plot the temperature ...
lat hexBinPointLng([num, str or fn]) Point object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the longitude coordinate. lng hexBinPointWeight([num, str or fn]) Point object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the weight of the point. Weights for points in the...
objectLat number, string or func lat Object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the latitude coordinate of the object's position. objectLng number, string or func lng Object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the longitude coordinate of the object's position...
You can do this easily with the standard matlab function sph2cart. Treat the lines of latitude and longitude separately like this: 테마복사 R = 6371; % earth radius in km latspacing = 10; lonspacing = 20; % lines of longitude: [lon1,l...
getCoords(lat, lng [,altitude]) Utility method to translate spherical coordinates. Given a pair of latitude/longitude coordinates and optionally altitude (in terms of globe radius units), returns the equivalent {x, y, z} cartesian spatial coordinates. toGeoCoords({ x, y, z }) Utility method...
(with axis order normalized for visualization)",# DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",# ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,# LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],# PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,# ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],# CS[ellipsoidal,2],# AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east,# ORDER...
globeplot(lat,lon) creates a 2D line plot of the georeferenced data points specified by latitude and longitude.globeplot(lat,lon,LineSpec) specifies the line style, marker symbol, and/or color of the 2D line plot.globeplot(...,PropertyName,PropertyValue,...) specifies the line or mark...
The limits of the desired data are specified as vectors of latitude and longitude in degrees. The elements of latlim and lonlim must be in ascending order. [Z,refvec] = globedem(foldername,scalefactor,latlim,lonlim) reads and concatenates data from multiple files within a GLOBE folder ...
[Z,refvec] = globedem(filename,scalefactor,latlim,lonlim)allows a subset of the map data to be read. The limits of the desired data are specified as vectors of latitude and longitude in degrees. The elements oflatlimandlonlimmust be in ascending order. ...
void setSunPosition(double latitude, double longitude) Sets the sun position in lat, lon. void setSuppressEvents(boolean suppressEvents) Indicates if display object suppresses events. void setSuppressResize(boolean suppressResize) Indicates if display resizing is suppressed. void setSymbol(ISymbol ...